Chapter Forty-Three

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No One's P.O.V

"Hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive." A soaking wet Matt told Bonnie as Klaus and Secret walked in. "Tyler..." Bonnie's voice trembled. "He's going to die, isn't he?" Matt asked Bonnie. "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Klaus told them as he leaned against the wall, Secret standing next to him. "Given the choice, doppelgänger of a hybrid, I go hybrid every time." He told them.


"You're awfully silent." Klaus spoke to Secret as they walked down a hallway, going to see if Stefan had killed Elena yet. "Would you rather have me yelling at you for all of this stupid shit?" Secret asked him. "Fair enough. Once this is all over I'll take you out and we can talk over everything." Klaus told her as he took her hand, holding onto it.

Secret sighed, her shoulders slumping. "What ever you say." She mumbled as the turned a corner, seeing Elena run through the doors, Stefan following her as he ran himself into stuff, trying to stop himself. Elena turned around only to be met with you and Klaus. "We've got to stop meeting like this." Klaus grinned at her as grabbed her.

Stefan walked into the cafeteria, falling onto his knees, fighting the compulsion as much as he can. He spotted a wooden mop in the janitor's little cart. He broke it in half and shoved the part without the mop on it into his stomach right as Klaus, Elena, and Secret walked in. "Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before." He stopped in front of Stefan.

"The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl." Secret stood behind Klaus, not sure on what to do, she had completely given up on trying to help. "Why don't you turn it off?" Klaus asked as he walked over to Stefan. "No!" Stefan refused as he continued to fight the compulsion. "Come on. You humanity is killing you." Klaus sat on the nearest lunch table.

"All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off." Klaus smiled. "No!" Stefan yelled at him. "Stefan..." Elena went to walk over but Secret grabbed her arm, holding her back. "You're strong. But you're not that strong." Klaus tore the wood out of Stefan's stomach. "" Stefan stared at him before he pushed Klaus back. "No!" Klaus sped over and slammed him back against the wall.

"Turn it off!" He yelled at him, his yell echoing through the room as he compelled him. Elena started to run over but stopped when she saw he had already compelled him. Klaus slowly pulled back as he watched Stefan turn off his humanity. A few tears escaped Secret's eyes when she saw that he was trying not to turn it off. "What did you do?" Elena asked when Stefan gave into the compulsion.

"I fixed him. But I think a test is in order, don't you?" Klaus asked as he hastily walked over to Elena, stepping behind her and placing his hands on her shoulders. "Ripper... perhaps you'd like a drink...from the doppelgänger's neck." Klaus pulled back Elena's hair, revealing her wound from earlier. Klaus stepped back, grabbing Secret's hand once again. She looked back while Klaus walked to the door, silent tears gliding down her cheeks as she saw the being appear under his eyes, his fangs coming out.


"Well the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead." Klaus told Caroline and Tyler as he walked into the room. "Does that mean we get to kill her?" Rebekah asked as Klaus and Secret stood in front of Caroline and Tyler. "No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite." Klaus informed her. "What?!" Rebekah demanded as she grabbed Caroline, pulling her back from Tyler.

"Call it a hunch." Klaus leaned over the table to Tyler, holding a vial of blood. "Elena's blood. Drink it." He told Tyler, whose face was coated in sweat and tears. "No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!" Caroline panicked. "If he doesn't feed he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment." He told them, keeping his eyes on the werewolf in transition.

"It's okay." Klaus told Tyler as he tried not to give in. Tyler shakily grabbed the vial from Klaus. "Come on." Klaus encouraged him.  "There we go." He grinned as Tyler brought it to his lips, drinking the blood. "Good boy." Klaus told him. Tyler started grunting after he swallowed the blood, falling onto the floor.

"Tyler? No!" Tyler rolled around on the floor. "Bloody hell, shut up!" Rebekah yelled at Caroline as she held her back. Tyler grabbed his hair as he looked at the floor, letting out a yell of agony. Klaus crouched down next to Tyler. Tyler grunted as he looked up, veins showing under his amber eyes as his fangs/canines came out.

"You did it." Whispered in shock as she stared at Tyler. "Well, that's a good sign." He looked back at Secret with a grin before looking back at Tyler.


Secret stood outside of the hospital with Klaus and Rebekah. "So the doppelgänger isn't the problem, her blood is the solution." Rebekah sat up on the roof of the car. "Seems so." Klaus walked over to her. "How did you know?" Rebekah asked Klaus. "Do you remember how much the original witch hated me? Did you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?" Rebekah looked over and smiled at Klaus who turned to stare at Secret.

Secret stood looking at the hospital. "A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." Secret let out a short laugh as she turned around. "Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead-." Rebekah cut him off.

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." Rebekah finished for him. "You can be alone for a long time." He smiled up at Rebekah. "Is that what this is about." Secret looked off to the side, wondering if they would notice her disappearance. "Your obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone?" Rebekah asked.

"What I want is to take my girls, take my hybrid, and get the hell out of this one pony town." He told Rebekah. He stepped back and turned around, looking up at the hospital before he turned around once again to face Rebekah. "You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck, I'll get Elena." Rebekah slid down from the hood of the car she was sitting on.

Secret watched as Rebekah walked past them. "Should I go with her?" Secret asked, turning her gaze to Klaus. "No, you stay with me." He told her before he heard someone else approaching from behind. "We'll look at who finally decided to show up to the party." Damon walked over to him. "Where is she?" He didn't ask, he demanded to know. "Elena? She's making a donation to a better cause." Klaus told him.

Damon tried to walk past Klaus but Klaus stopped him. "Cant let you interfere, Mate." He pushed him back. "You'd have to kill me." He tried to walk past him again, but the same thing happened. "Oh I would love to kill you, but, uh, I made a promise to you sister and I keep my word." Damon looked over at Secret, having just noticed her.

"Although, you know what, I'm thinking about it now, I don't think she cares much anymore." Klaus pushed Damon back against the car, Secret not knowing if she should stop him or not. "Klaus, stop-." Secret decided to intervene, but was cut off by a strained Damon. "Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?" Damon asked, making Klaus freeze.

"What do you know about Mikael?" Klaus demanded to know, fear starting to course through his dead heart. "Just that he knows your here." Klaus stared down at Damon, not letting go of him. "You're bluffing." He refused to believe it. "Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage." Klaus thre Damon against the other car, Secret rushing over to help him up from the ground.

Klaus ran off while Secret helped Damon up, both looking around for him. Damon started to walk into the hospital. "What, no thank you? No hello?" Secret scoffed as she yelled out at him. Damon ignored her as he walked in, going straight for Elena. Secret shook her head, letting out a frustrated yell.

(Spelling checks=❌)

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