Chapter Forty-Four

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No One's P.O.V

Secret waltzed into the house, taking in a deep breath as she realized how much she missed this place. "Here's some Bourbon." She heard Damon talk to Elena. "It'll help you forget." Secret walked over to the lounge room, leaning against the floor way as she watched. "Mm." Elena made a face as she drank it, pulling away from the cup.

"Yeah, it's strong." Damon's voice was so quiet as he looked at Elena in worry. "You know, I can help you forget too." Elena looked up at him, surprised that he mentioned it. "At least the memories you don't want to keep." He offered, trying to help her. "No. No compulsion. I need to remember... all of it."Damon reached into his back pocket, pulling something out as Elena watched.

Scepter frowned as she recognized Rebekah's necklace, the one that Stefan had took and given to Elena. Damon held it out for her. "I stole it back for you." Elena stared at Damon as everything started to sink in. "He's really gone this time. I watched it happen. After everything that we went through to get, to help him. Now he's just... gone."

Secret forced away her thoughts, not wanting to think about Stefan and how she let it happen, she felt terrible for not trying to stop Klaus, instead she listened to him like a dog would to it's owner. Damon stared down at the necklace before look back over at Elena, sitting the necklace down on the little stand next to them.

"Where were you, Damon?" Elena asked as her voice strained as she tried not to cry. "I shouldn't have left." His revert seeped through his voice and through his eyes. Damon put her hand onto Elena's in a motion to comfort her. "I promise you... I will never leave you again." Secret wiped a tear from her eye, seeing how much Damon cared for Elena.

She remembers when he had made the same promise to her and Stefan, they all had a pact to stay together. It didn't stay though, both brothers constantly fighting while Secret ran back and forth, trying to fix things. "Well, isn't this cozy?" Stefan asked, scaring Secret slightly as she didn't hear him come into the house.

Damon quickly stood up, everyone staring at Stefan. "What are you doing here, brother?" Damon demanded, glancing at Secret. Stefan smiled as he walked towards them. "Last I checked, I live here." He grabbed a glass and poured himself some bourbon. "Klaus is gone, but he's asked me to keep watch on you and secret until he returns." He pointed over at Elena.

"From now on, you're under my protection." Secret rolled her eyes. "Good luck, she's a trouble magnet with a victim complex." She glared at Elena, feeling hatred toward the girl as she stole her brothers from her. Stefan let out a short chuckle, raising his drink up to Damon before taking a small sip out of it. "Hmm, by all means, carry on." He motioned for them to continue before he left.

Elena looked up at Damon. "Have fun kissing each other's asses." Secret's words were filled with venom as she turned around, running up to her room. She smiled softly as she walked in, looking around at her comfort space.


Secret pushed her hair back as she stood outside the school, looking at Damon's multiple texts for her to call him to talk and catch up from the past summer. "Here we are, senior year." Secret looked over at Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena who stood in front of the school. "Shouldn't this feel a little bit more empowering?" Bonnie asked as she felt disappointed.

"Okay so prank night was a bust, but we are accepting it and we are moving on." Caroline informed them, not wanting to keep a sour mood. "You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience." Bonnie spoke sarcastically as they walked over to the doors.

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