Chapter Eighteen

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No One's P.O.V

Klaus walked into the apartment, causing Katherine to turn to look at him as she stopped pouring her coffee. "Everything okay?" She asked as she sat the mug and such down. "What have you been doing?" He asked after he looked around, noticing multiple things opened or sitting out. "Making coffee. Do you want some?" She asked as she looked down at her mug.

Klaus used his speed to get over to her in seconds, wrapping his hand around her throat and lifting her up in the air slightly. "Tell me what you have been doing." Her compelled her, which didn't work because of the vervain, but she faked it. "Making coffee." She stuttered out. Klaus searched her face before letting go of her. She gently held her throat as she coughed, taking deep breaths.

She turned around, but stopped at his voice. "Wait." He looked over at her as she turned back around. "Take off your bracelet." He demanded. Katherine stared at him as she took off her daylight bracelet. "Now." She dropped it into his outstretched hand, him quickly closing it into a fist once it came into contact with his skin. "I want you..." He stepped closer as he stared at her before looking over to the window.

"To walk over to the window and stand in the sunlight." He smirked as her face turned into one of fear. "But I'll burn." She pointed out. "You don't have a choice." He whispered. Katherine slowly turned around and walked over to the window. Klaus took her mug of coffee and started drinking it as he watched her. Once Katherine stepped into the sunlight she yelled out in pain as it burned her skin.

She stayed under the sunlight for multiple seconds, Klaus finishing the coffee and smirking as he watched her wither in pain. "That's enough." As soon as those words left his mouth she sped forward, crashing into the stone wall and falling to the ground in one of the corners in the apartment. "Hmm. Guess I was wrong." He commented. He walked over to her curled up body. "Alright then, I need you to do something for me."

Damon and Secret walked in the woods towards the tomb. They both looked around before walking closer, but they were immediately stopped by a male voice. "Which one are you trying to save? The blond, or the wolf?" Secret and Damon turned around to see a man, Maddox, standing in front of them. "I personally don't like either." She spoke but got a glare from Damon.

"Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?" He asked, looking at the two like they were idiots. "Wishful thinking." Damon commented. Secret ran at the witch and quickly pushed him to the ground, straddling him as she started to choke him. The witch lifted his hand and sent Secret flying back into the stone wall, causing her to groan at the impact. However she got up right away, anger taking over her emotions.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" She yelled as she ran at him again, but stopped short as she and Damon both fell into the floor in pain. Secret and Damon groaned in pain as they felt each of their bones breaking and not healing right away. A gunshot was heard and the two siblings sighed in relief as the pressure was taken off of them, their bones quickly healing. Secret looked up to see Matt with a gun and the witch dead on the forest floor.

The siblings quickly got up as the three stared at each other. "Didn't know you had it in you Matt." Secret smirked. Matt and Damon both ignored her comment, wanting to get to the point. "What are you doing here?" Damon demanded, but Matt also ignored his question, walking up to them. "Where's Caroline?" Secret sighed as she shook her head. "Listen man, not the right time to be playing hero."

Man turned his glare onto Secret as he cocked his gun and pointed it at her. "Where is she? And what did he do to her?" Secret rolled her eyes as Damon stepped towards him, his hands up in surrender. "We are just here to rescue her, okay?" Secret sighed in annoyance before she sped forward and quickly grabbed the gun from Matt, hitting him in the head with it, knocking him out.

"Could've just done that." She rolled her eyes as she sluggishly tossed the gun to him. "Yeah, yeah." He waved her off as he crouched down next to the dead witch, where he emptied the gun and bullets with sharp wood on the ends laid on the ground. The two quickly went back on their way to the tomb where the other two supernatural creatures were chained up.

Damon and Secret pushed the door open and walked to where Tyler and Caroline were, ignoring the conversation the two were having. "Damon? Secret?" Caroline asked in disbelief. "You're boyfriend's outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets. You have some explaining to do." Secret spoke annoyed as Damon walked over to Caroline, helping her get out of the chains.

"What, Matt?" Caroline question. Secret went over to Tyler to help get him out. "Matt knows about you?" Tyler asked as he leaned forward so Secret could have better access to the chains. "No, I-." Caroline started but was cut off by Damon. "Shh. Tomorrow's problem. Let me just get you out of here." Secret ripped off the chains to the right of him and moved to the left as Damon did the same with Caroline.

Secret moved to rip off the other chain as Damon helped Caroline up, but she was stopped by her brother's voice. "Secret." She turned to look at him. "Let's go." Secret paused as she looked in between a frightened Tyler and a serious Damon. "Wait, Damon, no. I'm not leaving without him." Caroline pulled away from Damon's grip and took a step back.

"It's getting dark soon, how fast can you get the hell away from here?" Secret asked as she turned to face Tyler, ignoring Damon's protests. "I need to get to my Family's cellar. I can lock myself up." Secret nodded. "I'll help." Caroline spoke as Secret reached for the chain and quickly pulled it out of the wall and off of Tyler, setting him free.

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