Chapter Twenty-Eight

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No One's P.O.V

Klaus stood back up, looking over at Katherine as he walked over to the kitchen island. "Sweetheart..." Klaus took the bottle of his blood off of the counter and walked over to her, passing Secret. Klaus looked her in the eyes, his intention to compel her. "Take this over to Damon and come right back." Secret and Stefan gasped, both for the same reason. "You want me to leave?" Katherine asked in disbelief and shock.

"No!" Stefan said as he looked at the interaction. "Yes." Klaus spoke at the same time as Stefan. "And if I were you..." Before he could finish his sentence Katherine already ran away, the vial of blood in her grasp. "I'd hurry." Secret race over to Klaus and wrapped her hand around his throat as he smirked. "She'll never bring it to him!! You knew that she wouldn't!!" She screamed at him, tears in her eyes before she let go of him.

"Oh my god, I'm not going to be there when Damon dies." She spoke as she paced back and forth. "He's gonna die all alone, he won't have his siblings. I won't get to say goodbye." Klaus went over and sat in a chair as he watched her brother race over to her, trying to calm the panicking girl down. Secret pushed Stefan away, making a run for the door, Klaus not stopping her. She didn't look back or say anything as she raced to the Salvatore house.

She heard the conversation going on inside of the house as she ran in. "Well it's me you should be thanking." She heard Katherine's voice as she ran up the steps. "I mean, I'm the one who brought the cure." Katherine walked towards Damon as she spoke to Elena. "I thought you were dead." Elena watched her carefully. "I was." Damon looked at Katherine as Secret came running into the room, stopping a little bit past the doorway.

"You got away." He stated, his whole body full of sweat. "Yep, finally." Katherine poured Klaus' blood into his mouth. "And you still came here?" Damon asked weakly. Tears poured down Secret's face as she slowly walked towards them, not wanting to barge in on the conversation yet. "I owed you one." Katherine stood up fully and turned around to face Elena and Secret. Secret immediately pulled Katherine into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you." She whispered before she let go of the vampire and raced to Damon's side, ignoring the conversation Elena and Katherine were having. "Don't cry, I'll be okay." Damon whispered as he scooted over to let her into the bed, some strength starting to return. "I love you day, I was so scared, I thought I lost you." She clung onto her older brother, ignoring how sweaty he was. "I would never leave you." He whispered before he kissed her head and started to fall asleep as the blood healed him.

"Don't you have to go back?" Elena whispered as Secret still clung onto Damon. "Yes." She whispered, sighing as she got up. "Please watch after him Elena, don't let him get in trouble." Secret spoke, pulling the girl into a hug as tears started to form in her eyes again. "I won't." Elena whispered and as soon as she let go of Secret the vampire ran back to Alaric's apartment, taking her time as she climbed the stairs. Soon enough she made it to the apartment and entered.

"Did Katherine deliver?" Klaus asked with an amused smirk. Secret ignored him and walked over to the kitchen part, grabbing a wet cloth and walking over to her brother. "You'd think you would know how to eat." She mumbled, wiping the blood off his face. "Is he alright?" Stefan asked, staring into his older sister's eyes. Secret smiled at Stefan as she pulled him up onto his feet. "He should be as good as new when he wakes up." Stefan let out a sigh of relief before both of the siblings looked over at Klaus who now stood up.

"Well, are you two ready to go now?" Secret noticed that Elijah's body was gone, but she didn't question it as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready." She whispered, wanting to leave town before Damon woke up and found out that she and Stefan were gone. "I have some things I need to do first, you two will come with." Klaus spoke nonchalantly. "Alright, let's go." Stefan spoke as he took his older sister's hand, getting comfort from the action, before following after Klaus.

"I suppose, brother, you have been reunited with our family." Klaus spoke to Elijah. Elijah's body laid in a coffin, the veins running up his grey skin as he lay motionless. Klaus then shut the door to the coffin, Secret on her phone as she was getting texts from Damon. "Where are you? Does Klaus have you and Stefan? Are you alright? I'm coming to get you." Secret sighed, thinking that Elena probably woke him up after she left.

"Put him with the others. We're leaving tonight." Klaus walked over to where Secret stood while the two men he compelled moved the two men. "Lucky Katherine made it in time, hm?" He spoke, bringing back the conversation from earlier. "You won't be seeing her again, you know." Secret spoke glancing up at Klaus before looking back down at the constant texts Damon was sending. "Why, because she's on vervain?" He asked, making Secret's head snap up.

"I've been around a long time, Secret. I rarely get played for a fool." Klaus smirked as he held his hand out for Secret's phone, which kept dinging. "Besides, she won't get far. You two will help me see to that." Secret reluctantly sat her phone into Klaus' outstretched hand, glaring at him as she crossed her arms. "Thank you, Love." He tucked the phone into his front pocket, knowing she wouldn't reach for it. "What is it you really want from me? From us?" Stefan asked as he walked closer to Klaus.

"All will be explained in time, once we leave this tragic little town." Klaus sat a hand on Stefan, grinning at the vampire. "Then are we done here, can we go?" Secret asked, wanting to leave as soon as she could so it would be harder for Damon to find them. Klaus' grin got darker as he kept his eyes on Stefan, patting his shoulder. "Not quite." He responded. "You see, I have a gift for you." Stefan remained emotionless while Secret ignored them as she had a dazed look on her face while she thought.

"Come here, Sweetheart. Don't be afraid."  Klaus turned his body slightly, his hand still on Stefan's shoulder, as he beckoned a girl over. Secret snapped out of her daze and looked up at the girl as she stood next to Klaus' side. "See, I wanna make sure you honor our deal..." Stefan took his eyes off the girl and moved them to Klaus. "That you'll be of use to me."  Klaus finished his sentence.

He then turned the girls head, the veins under his now golden eyes showing as his fangs appeared. Klaus bit into her neck, not taking too long before pulling away, seeing as she was for Stefan. He held onto her, Stefan staring at her neck as his hunger got bigger. "I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripped enjoys the hunt." Secret watched in disgust as Klaus let go of the girl, letting her run. The girl doesn't get far before Stefan appeared in front of her.

Secret looked down at her feet, not wanting to see her younger brother like this. Last time he was like this she had promised Lexi that she would never let him turn back to the Ripper, she had let her down, broke her promise. "Ease up Love, this is only the beginning." Klaus spoke from beside her. Secret looked over at him and glared. "Fuck you." Klaus grinned. "Maybe later." He winked, causing her to make a disgusted face as she walked past him.

In all honesty, she gotten something in her stomach when he said that. It was almost like... butterflies. But she wouldn't accept that, it was just her wanting to throw up from his suggestive comment. Or, she just tells herself that.

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