Good Morning

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Leo's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. When I looked beside me, I saw Sera, naked and fast asleep under the sheets while her left hand rested on my chest.  I gently took her hand in mine and put it on the mattress as I slid out of bed, trying not to wake Sera. I quickly changed into my underwear and sweatpants. I walked out and softly shut the door behind me. Then I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where I was greeted by my brothers, Gio and Vince.

"Si, buongiorno fratello (aye, good morning brother)!" Gio shouted. 

I immediately shushed him by pressing my finger to my mouth. Sera didn't need to be woken up by him.

"Che diavolo ci fate qui voi due (what the hell are you two doing here)?" I asked. 

"Beh, non sei di ottimo umore (well, aren't you in a wonderful mood)," Vince said sarcastically. "Hai i postumi di una sbornia o qualcosa del genere (do you got a hangover or something)?"

"No," I said as I went to get a cup of milk from the refrigerator. "Sera is upstairs sleeping and I don't need you guys waking her up."

"Ooh, so you got some last night," Gio smirked. 

"Damn, it is about time," Vince chuckled. "After all, when was the last time you got any?"

I shifted my gaze to Vince. He realized I was getting frustrated with him, so he dropped the topic and became silent. I took a drink from the glass of milk that I had raised to my mouth.

"What the hell are you two doing here anyway?" I inquired. 

"Did you forget that we have work to get done?" Vince asked.

"Yeah bro, we gotta go teach those fools who is boss." Gio chimed in. 

"I didn't forget, why don't we just meet at Ed's," I suggested. "I gotta get Sera situated."

Gio and Vince agreed to my suggestion and quickly left before Sera ever woke up. 


With a plate of scrambled eggs, fruit, breakfast sausage, and orange juice, I returned upstairs. Sera was sitting in my bed, dressed in my shirt, when I opened the door. Her hair was a mess, and she smiled as soon as she saw me. As I handed her the breakfast tray, I said, "Good morning."

"Breakfast in bed! Well, aren't you the charmer?" Sera remarked. 

Before joining Sera in bed, I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She began eating the food on the plate when I mumbled, "Sera." When chewing the food in her mouth, she turned her head to look at me.

She inquired, "What's up?"

"You are so beautiful," I exclaimed.

"Leo, stop?" she blushed as she put down her fork.

I asked, "How was last night."

Her cheeks flushed, and she struggled to keep a grin from forming on her lips. 

"You and I both know I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," she said, raising her eyes to me.

"Do you think that is a bad thing?"

Sera grinned and said, "I wasn't complaining."
Her serious expression changed the atmosphere in the room. "Thank you for being gentle," she said again, looking up at me. "It was the first time for me."
In shock, I widened my eyes.

"It was?"

Sera smiled and nodded.

She inquired, "Was it bad?"

I assured her, "That would be impossible. I never would've guessed you were a virgin."

Sera blushed and turned her head away. 

"I'm happy it was with me," I whispered as I softly turned her face toward me and kissed her on the lips.

There was a long pause before I said, "Sera, why don't you stay?"
She pulled away and glanced at me.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
I explained, "You can sell your apartment and move in with me."

Sera remained silent. Her face simply lit up with a wide smile.

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