Whole Lot of Mafia Up In Here

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Sera's POV:

Leo and I arrived at Aiko and Francesca's rehearsal dinner

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Leo and I arrived at Aiko and Francesca's rehearsal dinner. Everyone was dressed to impress with their impeccable attire. Leo matched his black suit to the black dress he purchased me for the occasion. My hand lingered on his arm as we walked towards his siblings and their dates. I felt insignificant in this location since it was so lovely. It was an outdoor event, with couches, tables, and chairs laid out on the lawn and lights strung between the palm trees.

 It was an outdoor event, with couches, tables, and chairs laid out on the lawn and lights strung between the palm trees

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"Hello there, boys," Gio and Vince were greeted by Leo.

I went over to Jessica and Tanisha to give them a warm welcome. In their outfits, they both looked great.

"I adore the dress, Sera!" Tanisha congratulated me.

"Thank you so much, Leo, bought it for me!" I expressed my gratitude.

"Way to go, Leo!" Jessica gave a kind smile.

"Where is the bride to be?" Leo was the one who inquired.

"Over there," Gio said, pointing to the parents.

Gio, Vince, and Leo looked at each other and exchanged glances. When they looked over at Aiko and Francesca, who were with each other's parents, I could see there was an internal communication.

"Sera and I are going to go get some beers," Leo said. "I'll catch the bride later."

Leo moved me away from the table and toward the bar. "What was it about?" I inquired when we came to a halt.

"What was the matter?" he inquired.

I said, "The facial expression you exchanged with your brothers."

Leo took a drink from the bar and handed it to me.

"We don't really like Aiko's father," he said after a sip.

"How did that happen?" I enquired further.

"He's a very stern man," Leo explained, "and he doesn't approve of Francesca."

"Really? Why is that?" I persisted.

Leo said, "Because she isn't Japanese. He's old fashioned and didn't want Aiko to marry outside of their race."

"How about Aiko's mother?" I continued.

Leo chuckled as he said, "She likes my sister. She is very likely the reason for this wedding's existence, because Aiko's would not be here if his father had his way."

I was sorry for Francesca. That is something I would never want to know about my in-laws. I put the wine glass to my lips and took a big swallow of the wine. The glass was placed on the counter. Leo was staring at me when I noticed him.

"What?" I inquired.

"Do you want to dance?" With his hand outstretched, he enquired.

I smiled as I clasped his hand. He guided me through the crowd and eventually came to a halt in the middle of the dance floor.

He took my left hand in his and pulled me in close with his other hand on my back, while I laid my left hand on his muscular shoulder. We danced to the music while looking into each other's eyes.

"You look stunning in that gown," Leo remarked.

My cheeks flushed.

"Well, my boyfriend has excellent taste," I remarked, giggling.

We had been on the dance floor for a few songs when Francesca and Aiko approached us. When the song ended, I excused myself by stating, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

"Alright, don't be too long," Leo said with a smile.


When the last lady in the bathroom stepped out, I was washing my hands. I was drying my hands when Leo entered the restroom and shut the door behind him. I was completely taken aback to see him here.

"What are you doing, Leo?" I inquired.

His lips pressed against mine as he snatched me and set me on the toilet counter. He rubbed his hands up and down the backs of my thighs. I pressed my hand against his chest and yanked away.

"Leo, what are you doing?" I said again.

"I'm just kissing you," Leo explained. "Is there something wrong?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "This is your sister's wedding reception. Is this really what we should be doing here?"

Leo took a step backwards and nodded. I didn't want to come across as a prude, but this didn't feel right. Leo placed a gentle touch on my cheek.

"You're right," Leo conceded.

He helped me get off the counter and helped me adjust my dress before we left. I was the first to leave the bathroom, followed by Leo a few minutes later.


Leo's POV:

My mother apprehended me as I stepped out of the bathroom. She was clearly disappointed in me, so she pulled me aside in a discreet area so she could scold me.

"Cosa diavolo pensi di fare (What the hell do you think you are doing)? Questa e la cena di prova di tua sorella e stai uscendo dal bagno di una donna con la tua ragazza (This is your sister's rehearsal dinner and you are walking out of a women's bathroom with your girlfriend). Tu dovresti vergognarti di te stesso (You should be ashamed of yourself)!" My mother lectured. 

"Basta mamma (enough mom)!" I snapped. 

"Watch your tongue boy!" My mom yelled. 

""There was nothing that happened in the bathroom," I informed her.

"I don't care, you were seen leaving the bathroom with Sera! Act like a man and be the leader that your family expects of you!" My mum explained before leaving.

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