It's Personal

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Leonardo's POV:

I've been the leader of my family's organization for more than a week. From a business standpoint, I believe the transition has been smooth; however, many of our enemies have been jabbing at me to see if I am strong or weak, forcing me to act mercilessly. It is not something I want to do, but it is necessary in order to keep my family together. As a result, I have been unable to return to Miami and am now residing in New York.

I was seated at a fancy restaurant that I had rented out for the evening with some of my caporegimes when Ed approached me and whispered in my ear, "These were dropped off for you."

Ed placed a folder on the table. As I opened the folder and pulled out several photos, I held my cigar between my lips. Sera was photographed in various locations throughout Miami. They had photos of her at work, walking home, hanging out with friends, the whole shebang. I slid the photos back into the folder, where no one could see them. I motioned for Ed while grabbing the cigar with my fingers.

"Please have Gio and Vince pick up Sera and transport her to my house," I ordered.

"Yes, sir," Ed replied.

"I want my house to be secured!" I spoke quietly to Ed.

"I'll have it done," Ed said as he walked away with the photo folder.

I'm not sure which of my enemies is brave enough to mambo with me, but when I find out who my dance partner is, they'll wish they hadn't.

I finished the meal with the guys without expressing my rage and worry, and then made my way to the car, where I was eventually driven to the private airstrip. I boarded the plane with Ed and my entourage of bodyguards. The pilots started the plane, and we were on our way back to Miami.

"I'd like to know who is taking pictures of Sera!" I yelled in the plane. "I don't like it when someone pokes me with a stick!"

"They know your weakness," Ed blurted out.

I gave Ed a glare. I didn't agree with his remark, but he wasn't entirely wrong.

"By taking those photos, they are endangering her life!" I screamed.

"It's not like they're doing it on purpose, Leo. They know who she is and will use her to get to you." Ed provided advice.

"Like I don't know that," I shot back.

"But she doesn't," Ed countered. "You must come clean."

I hadn't told Sera anything about my job or my family. I couldn't bear the thought of telling her the truth. I did not want her to abandon me. I don't know what I'd do without her, but she also needs to know. To say the least, this was the longest flight I had ever been on. 

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