Change of Plans

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Leo's POV:

I was getting ready for a date with Serafina when I got a call from my father. It wasn't news that I wanted to hear because it was work-related and he needed to see me at the warehouse immediately. I was frustrated because I was hoping to have a peaceful night with Serafina but clearly that wasn't going to be the case tonight so I got in my car and drove to the warehouse. When I got there, I saw my father's car, Ed's sportscar, and several other vehicles that I assumed belonged to our employees. I went into the warehouse where I heard screams fill the warehouse. 

When I made it to the main area, I saw my father standing with Ed while my brothers were standing near a man strapped down to a chair. 

"Ciao papa (hello father)," I greeted. "Como stai stasera (how are you tonight)?"

"Sono stato meglio, tua madre mi uccidera per essere arrivato tardi a cena (I've been better, your mother is going to kill me for being late for dinner)." He answered.

"La mia ragazza probabilmente fara lo stesso con me (my girlfriend is probably gonna do the same to me)," I added. "What's the problem here anyway?"

"Apparently, we have a traitor in our mix." My father began. "This soldier from up north is informing us that one of our captains is a traitor."

"Really! Which capo is he referring to?"

"Ragazzi, andate avanti (boys, go ahead)." My father instructed.

Vince and Gio turned around to face the soldier and took turns punching the man in the face. It was so brutal that his face was swollen and covered in blood. It got to the point where he could no longer hold his head up so Ed had to step in and hold it up. 

"E abbastanza (that's enough)!" My father ordered. "Let's see if he is ready to talk now."

My brother's and Ed stepped back from the helpless man. Blood dripped from his face as we all waited patiently for him to talk. He had enough strength to lift up his head and murmur, "Louis, Louis, Louis."

"Louis?" Vince said, in surprise.

I looked over at my father to see his reaction to this news. Louis was my father's most trusted captain in New York. They had been friends for years. This news is so shocking. I can't imagine the betrayal my father is feeling right now. 

"Bene, ragazzi, e ovvio che di questi tempi puoi fidarti solo della famiglia (well, boys, it's obvious you can only trust family these days). Leo, I want you to take Edward and a couple of your own men and address this situation." He ordered as he began walking away. 

"Padre, Vince o Gio non possono andare (father, Vince or Gio can't go)?" I asked. 

My father immediately stopped walking when he heard me. He slowly turned around and asked, "What did you say? Is your work interfering with your other commitments? Is it your girlfriend?"

I knew my father wasn't pleased with me. I had crossed a line and he was going to address it. I lowered my head. 

"Forgive me, father." 

"Don't apologize, son. It's a sign of weakness." My father advised. "Vince, Gio, and Edward, see to it that this man will never commit treason again. Leo, walk me to my car."

I walked with my father out of the warehouse and to his car. His bodyguards weren't far away but just enough to where they couldn't hear our conversation. 

"Forgive me, father," I repeated. "I know that the job comes first."

"Sbagliato, la famiglia viene prima di tutto (wrong, family comes first)." He snapped. "Our family business isn't easy or ideal but it provides for our family. Remember that family always comes first, my son. Take this 'girlfriend' of yours to New York City with you. Handle business and have a good time with your lady as well."

"Grazie padre (thank you, father)." I thanked. 

My father gave me a hug and said, "Ti amo ed essere al sicuro (I love you and be safe)."

I watched my father get in his car and drive away. Once his car was out of sight, I called Serafina to tell her that I wasn't going to make it to dinner tonight but that I would make up for it by taking her to New York City. 

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