Welcome to New York

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Serafina's POV:

I waited outside my apartment building, with my suitcase, for Leo to pick me up. I was so excited to go to New York City with him! If this is the kind of stuff that Leo does when he misses dinner then I'm not exactly disappointed. Just then, Leo pulled up in a black G-Wagon Mercedes. He got out of the driver's side and walked around the car. He was dressed in jeans, a shirt with different shades of blue, and white shoes. He always dressed nicely especially when he showed off all his tattoos. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for all those tattoos on his body but Leo does look sexy. To me at least. 

"Hey baby," Leo greeted as his lips touched mine for a quick peck on the lips. "You look nice today."

"Really? You think so?" I asked in surprise because I didn't put much effort into my outfit today. 

Leo smiled and turned around to grab my suitcase

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Leo smiled and turned around to grab my suitcase. I watched as he took it to the back of the car and placed it in the tunk as if the weight of my suitcase wasn't heavy. I guess all that time in the gym paid off. 

"Serafina, you could wear sweatpants and have stains on your shirt and I would still think you're as sexy as ever," Leo assured. 

"Well let's hope that that day never comes." I chuckled. 

Leo escorted me to the passenger side where he opened the door and helped me into the car. Once I was inside, he closed the door for me and walked to the driver's side. It didn't take him long to start the car and begin driving. The car was so luxurious that I wasn't used to it. It was nice and comfy, which made me start realizing how successful Leo was in his career. 

It wasn't long before Leo turned into a private airstrip and drove to a private jet. He turned off the car and unloaded my suitcase before opening the door for me. I was so shocked. I did not see this coming. 

"Leo, what are we doing here?" 

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"Leo, what are we doing here?" 

"This is our flight," He replied. "You still want to go to New York City, right?"

"Yes, but I didn't realize we were flying private."

Leo laughed and guided me to the stairs. I walked up first, while Leo followed with my luggage. I took a seat facing the front of the plane. Leo secured my suitcase when a man joined us on the plane. He was muscular, tall, and tattooed so I could only assume that he wasn't the pilot. Leo greeted the man with a friendly hug. 

"Ed this is Serafina, my girlfriend." Leo introduced. "Serafina, this is my childhood friend, Edward."

I stood up from my seat and said, "It's nice to meet you, Edward."

Ed shook my hand and quickly raised it to his lips, giving me a quick kiss on the hand. 

"It's nice to meet you Serafina and please call me Ed."

Leo took the seat in front of me while Ed sat on the opposite side of the jet. We made ourselves comfy because the flight was three hours long. I was so tired that I ended up transitioning onto the couch and ended up falling asleep midway through the flight. 


Leo's POV:

We were getting close to New York City. I was talking with Ed while Serafina was fast asleep. I found myself watching her sleep and couldn't help but smile at her. 

"You really like her, don't you," Ed whispered. 

"Yes, probably too much at times." I chuckled. 

"Yeah, girls tend to have that effect."

"She is different you know."

"I know. You wouldn't have stuck around this long if she wasn't." Ed smiled. 

Ed and I looked back at Serafina to see that she was still fast asleep. Then, Ed turned back to face me and asked, "Does she know?"

I sighed and answered, "No, not yet anyway."

"How do you think she will take it?"

"How would you take it if you found out that your significant other was apart of the Italian mafia?"

"She might not even care," Ed suggested.

"Yeah right. I kill people for a living."

"Well yeah but maybe her love for you will overpower that," Ed advised.

I hope that every word Ed said was right. I had no desire to lose Serafina. Just then, the jet landed on the airstrip, causing Serafina to wake up. We dropped the previous topic while I looked over at Serafina and smiled. 

"Sleep well?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded while she fixed her hair and outfit. When the jet came to a complete stop, we went out of the jet and hopped into a car. While we drove to the hotel, Sera rested her head on my shoulder. She was completely tired and couldn't wait to go to sleep. 

We eventually made it to the hotel. We walked to our hotel room and Ed came with us because he was in the room next to us. 

"Serafina, go ahead and go in, I got to talk to Ed about tomorrow," I informed. 

"Alright," She smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Ed. Have a great night!"

"You too, Serafina." He replied. 

She went into the hotel room, closing the door behind her. 

"I want tomorrow to be a surprise. Have the guys pick us up here and we will ride over together." I ordered. 

"Sounds like a plan." Ed concurred. "What time do you want this to go down?"

"Eleven in the morning. Serafina should still be asleep by then."

"You got it, bro. Have a good night and don't make too much noise." Ed winked. 

I rolled my eyes and went into my hotel room. I found Serafina passed out on the bed so I bolted the door shut and turned off all the lights. Then, I kicked off my shoes and joined Serafina. I eventually drifted to sleep with her in my arms. 

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