On Behalf of My Father

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Leo's POV:

Everything was going according to plan. Ed and I arrived at Louis's office right on time and the word did not get out that we were coming today so my guys walked into his office first, followed by Ed, then me. Louis was completely surprised that he shot up from his chair. 

"Ciao Louis!" I greeted.

"Leonardo, what a surprise to see you here," Louis began. "If I had known you were coming I would have freshened the place up."

"The place looks fine, Louis," I assured. 

I stared at Louis and could tell that he was off. He was nervous and sweating more than he should be. As if he had something to hide. Silence overtook the room so Louis said, "Please sit down."

I took a seat in a very comfortable chair that was near the door. Ed stood on my right while my guys surrounded the room. Louis eventually sat down and tried to calm himself down but it was obvious that he was hiding something. Perhaps how he was a rat and betrayed my family. 

"Why isn't your father here?" He asked. "I would have loved to catch up with him!"

"I am terribly sorry about that Louis but he got wind of a rat so he went to exterminate it." I smiled. 

"Really? A rat. Seems like there are a lot of those these days." Louis mumbled. 

"Indeed," I said. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"What do you mean, Leonardo?"

"Know of any rats?" I clarified. 

"No, not at all." Louis lied. "Please let your father know that I would be more than happy to aid him in the search for the rat though."

"Why? So you can cover your tracks?" Ed blurted out. 

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" Louis snapped. "I have been with the Lombardi's for years. I am nothing but loyal to them."

I put my hand up which silenced Ed and Louis. I knew very well who the traitor was and it wasn't Ed. Louis is simply trying to hide even though he is in plain sight. 

"Leo, I would never betray you especially your father." Louis pleaded. 

"I believe you, Louis," I mislead. "But others, such as Ed, don't believe you. Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know how to explain it. There are many who want my position. Perhaps they are trying to ruin me so they could move up the ransk?" Louis suggested.

"Lies!" Ed yelled.

"Leo, you gotta believe me." Louis begged. 

"I don't know if I can, Louis," I said as I stood up with my hands in my pocket. "Which is why my father sends you this."

Without another second going by, Ed immediately pulled out a gun and shot Louis in the head

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Without another second going by, Ed immediately pulled out a gun and shot Louis in the head. His body fell down on the ground and my men instantly grabbed his corpse so they could dispose of the evidence. Ed walked me out of the building and made sure I made it to my car. 

"Call me once this mess is taken care of," I ordered. 

"Will do, Leo. Have fun with your lady." 


Serafina's POV:

I was sleeping when I felt the mattress sink. I slowly opened my eyes, only to find Leo sitting on the edge of the bed while there was a gift bag next to him. 

"Good morning," I smiled. 

Leo laughed and said, "I hate to break it to ya babe but it's actually the afternoon."

"Really? How long was I asleep for?" I asked. 

"Well I left around ten o'clock and its three o'clock right now." Leo explained.

"I've been asleep for that long! Why didn't you wake me up!"

"I figured you should catch up on some sleep. Besides, I had a business meeting to go to."

I sat up and smiled while Leo leaned in and kissed me on the lips. He placed the gift bag in front of me and motioned for me to open it so I pulled the bag closer to me and looked inside. There were clothes inside! It was a whole outfit. 

"Leo, what is this?"

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"Leo, what is this?"

"I thought I would pick you up an outfit since I was planning on giving you a tour of manhattan," Leo disclosed. "Now you better get dressed so we can be on our way."

I was so happy he did this for me that I gave him a quick peck on the lips before jumping out of bed and running into the bathroom. 

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