Mafia Wedding

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Leo's POV:

Sera came to my sister's wedding with me. The "mafia" wedding had everyone suited up. Sera donned a stunning black dress, while I wore a black suit. My mother and father were placed in front of us, on the bride's side, close to my brothers and their girlfriends. For her big day, Francesca wore a stunning bridal gown, and Aiko looked like a puppy dog in love.

After the ceremony, everyone went to the reception, where they were served food and had a good time. At my family's table, I was eating dinner with Sera when a Japanese man approached and whispered in my ear. It had something to do with business, and my father was aware of it.

"I shall be back," I said, wiping my face with my napkin.

I got out of my chair and followed the man into a private room where Aiko's father was sitting. We were the only ones remaining.

Aiko's father rose from his seat and offered me the seat next to him. "Mr. Sato," I said as I came over and shook his hand.

While I waited for him to begin our talk, we both sat down.

"So, what pressing reason is keeping you away from my sister's wedding?" I inquired.

He said, "Business."

I smirked, "Isn't it always?"

Sato congratulated me, saying, "I've been impressed with what you've done for your family's business. In our line of employment, you will have no problems."

I expressed my gratitude by saying, "I appreciate that."

"Watch over my son, Aiko," Sato implored, "before I no longer have the ability. He enjoys the thrill, but when it comes to business, he is lacking. I'm hoping that after I'm gone and he takes over, you'll be able to assist him with this."

I said, "You and Aiko are now my family. I'll take care of him."

Sato expressed his gratitude by saying, "Thank you, Leonardo."

I got to my feet and buttoned up my suit. I bowed respectfully before exiting the room and returning to my family table, where everyone was waiting for me.

Sera kissed him and said, "Hey, babe."

I turned to face my father, who was staring at me across the table. I could tell he was curious as to why I had been summoned to a meeting without him. It wasn't for the sake of jealousy, but rather for the sake of safety.

My father took a step away from the table after rising from his seat. Because I knew he wanted to talk, I stood up and followed him. We sought a quiet spot to discuss. Everything that happened with Sato was relayed to him.

"I'm proud of you, figlio," my father simply stated.

"Thank you, papa," I said.

"I believe it is past time for us to solidify your place as the family's leader," my father conceded.

My father finally telling me this is a huge issue. I knew I'd always play his part, but I never imagined it would be now.

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