You Are The Future

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Leo's POV:

Later that day, I drove to my parents after dropping Sera off at work. When I arrived, I was greeted by my mother, who was dressed in a Versace and an apron. I assumed she'd be in the kitchen preparing a meal for herself and papa.

"Ciao mamma," I said as a greeting.

She said, "Ciao cara, tuo padre ti sta aspettando nel suo ufficio (hello son, your father is waiting for you in his office)."

"I'll go upstairs then," I remarked as I kissed my mum on the cheek and walked upstairs.

I went to my father's office and knocked.

My father said through the door, "Accedere (enter)."

I walked into the office after turning the doorknob and opening the door. My father was sitting at his desk, taking care of some paperwork. He looked up once as I moved over to take a seat across from him.

He sat up in his chair and looked at me after dropping his pen on the desk and taking off his spectacles.

I began, "You wanted to see me, papa."

He said, folding his palms together, "Indeed. I've heard through your mother and I that things with Sera are getting serious."

I said, "That is right."

He smiled and nodded.

He admitted, "Sono felice per te, ragazzo mio (I'm happy for you, my boy)."

"Grazie padre," I thanked. 

I was worried since my father looked hesitant to say anything.

"What's the matter?" I inquired.

He sighed, "There is no simple way for me to give this."

I snarled, "I don't like sugar-coated anything."

My father grinned.

"Leo, you are the family's future, and as such, you will have duties that your siblings and sisters will not," he said. "Our company was not simple to start, but I had a strong woman by my side. She stood by my side and backed me up like no one else."

I confirmed, "I'm aware, papa."

"Do you want to be with Sera?" He inquired.

"Without a doubt," I replied.

"Then you need to make sure she'll be able to handle our way of life." He counseled.

My father's remarks had a profound effect on me. I understood what he was saying. Being a mafia member isn't for everyone, and Sera has no idea what I'm up to.

"I see," I explained.

"As you prepare your girl, I'll do my part by checking her background and making sure she's who she claims to be," he said.

I agreed with a nod of my head. We had to do this with everyone in our family who was close to us. The girls of Vince and Gio went through the same thing. Aito was an associate of our house through joint business, therefore Francesca's situation was a little different. 

My father got out of his chair and buttoned up his suit. 

"Do you like Sera?" I questioned before he could walk away.

"Do I like her or approve of her?" He inquired. 

I said, "Either."

He confirmed, "I appreciate and approve of your choice, ragazzo mio."

He left the office but lingered behind, reflecting on what my father had just said. Sera was worth it, even if I was given a difficult duty.


I picked Sera up from work that night and drove her back to my apartment. She read a book on top of my bed as I removed my shirt and typed on my phone.

"What made you get so many tattoos?" Sera questioned, looking up from her book.

Before looking over at her, I put my phone on my nightstand.

"Are you saying you don't like them?" I laughed out loud.

Sera blushed as she said, "Quite the opposite."

I explained, "I acquired one and before I knew it, I had all of these."

Sera giggled, "I'm sure your mother loves that explanation."

I sat next to her and touched her beautiful olive skin while kissing her on the head.

I asked, "Will you accompany me to my sister's rehearsal dinner this weekend?"

Sera shifted her weight to the side so she could gaze at me.

Sera grinned and said, "I'd love to."

"Really?" I interjected.

She gave a slight nod.

"Good," I said, "then we'd better get you a dress."

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