My Line of Work

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Leo's POV:

The next day, I was on my way to a meeting when I got a call from Ed. He told me that someone broke into our warehouse and attempted to steal our product before he was caught by our men. I wasn't pleased with this new information especially since I had a meeting with the boss but I drove to the warehouse anyway so that I could handle this mess. 

When I walked into the warehouse, Ed rushed over to me and said, "Sorry about this bro."

"As am I, Ed," I replied. "Where is this bastard?"

"The boys caught him before he could escape. We have him secured to a chair at the moment." Ed explained. 

"Hand me your knife and take me to him," I ordered.

Ed handed me a sharp knife. I held the knife in my hand and drug it on the walls while Ed showed me to the captive. When I turned the corner, I saw a young man probably in his twenties handcuffed to the chair while five of my boys surrounded him. I touched the tip of the knife to the palm of my hand and began playing with it while I circled around the thief. 

"So, tell me, why did you break into our warehouse and attempt to steal our property?" I asked

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"So, tell me, why did you break into our warehouse and attempt to steal our property?" I asked. 

The man did not answer so I quickly cut his shoulder causing him to scream in pain. 

"I don't think you are understanding how I operate so let me explain. You tell me why you attempted to steal from me and I won't hurt you." 

"I'm not talking!" Spat the man so I cut him in the chest. 

I stopped in front of the man and pointed the knife at him.

"I'll give you one more time." I offered. 

"You're not in charge yet, Leo!" The man chuckled. 

Without another second going by, I slit his throat with the knife. Blood dripped from his neck before his head bent down to the floor. I wiped the knife off with his pants before handing it to Ed saying, "Get rid of the body! And clean this mess up!"

 I wiped the knife off with his pants before handing it to Ed saying, "Get rid of the body! And clean this mess up!"

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I left the warehouse and drove to my boss's house. It is a mansion off the coast of the ocean with a private beach. I parked my car in the front and entered through the front door. I walked to his office and found both of my brothers seated in comfy chairs. There were no longer any available chairs so I had to stand up. 

"Sono contento che tu possa unirti a noi (Glad you could join us), Leo

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"Sono contento che tu possa unirti a noi (Glad you could join us), Leo." My boss said as he stopped what he was doing and leaned back in his chair. 

"Scusa papa, c'era un casino che doveva essere ripulito (Sorry dad, there was a mess that needed to be cleaned up)." I apologized. 

"Fratello che e successo (brother, what happened)?" Vince asked. 

I did not want to answer my brother in front of the boss. I had things under control and I didn't need the boss to interfere. I figured I could get control of the situation before worrying him. 

"Cosa e successo, figlio mio (what happened, my son)?" My father asked. 

"Ed called me to the warehouse this morning. Said he caught someone snooping around the warehouse. I interrogated him but got nothing out of him." I explained. "I don't know if he is a cop or our competition."

My father sat back in his chair and fiddled with his fingers. He digested the information and said, "Find out the man's business! We need to know who he was and what his business was with our warehouse. Until this information is brought to us, have everyone on alert. Our business can't be at risk."

"Lo fara, padre (will do, father)," I assured. 

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