Chapter 7 : Stuck!

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Kaira with Nikita and Ruhi reached the hotel, where they were going to stay for some days.

"Good Evening! How can I help you?" Reception asked.

"Good Evening... Can you pls check our booking? We have booked four rooms." Kartik replied.

"Sure Sir! (She looked in her computer checking their booking) Yes Sir! There are booking of four rooms - 201, 202, 203 and 204."
Reception said.

"Yeah! Thanks..." Kartik took the keys of the room and went were Naira, Nikita and Ruhi were sitting.

He handover the keys to them.

"Kartik Baby, Why you booked different rooms for us. We can live in same room na."  Nikita said being cringy to Kartik.

"No Nikita. No need for it." He said.

"Tomorrow morning we can go for trecking." Naira said.

"Yes!" Kartik and Ruhi were ready.

"No! Baby I want to go today only." Nikita again started her drama.

"Nikita how can we go today?! It's almost Night." Naira said.

"Yes Naira is Right Nikita. We will go tomorrow Morning." Kartik also agreed with Naira.

"No Baby. I want to go now na. See How Romantic Weather is." Nikita said holding Kartik's hand.

"Oh Please Nikita. Enough for Today. I am tired of your daily tantrums." Kartik said irritated and left to his room followed by Naira.

"Nikita you shouldn't show so many tantrums to him or you'll lose him." Ruhi said and left.

Nikita was standing there fuming in anger. She stomped her foot and left from there.


Next Day,

Kaira and Nikita and Ruhi started trekking. Nikita was the most excited of all and she was just finding a reason to be with Kartik. All of a sudden, weather started getting bad. Lightining occured with thunderstorm.

"What happened to the weather all of a sudden?" Kartik said walking.

"Yes! I think we should go back before weather gets more bad." Naira said stopping.

"Hmm" Ruhi also stopped.

"No! I want to continue trekking." Nikita said being reluctant.

"Nikita have you gone mad? You want to continue trekking in this weather?" Kartik said in a little anger.

"Baby... Atleast you understand my feelings." Nikita said.

"Nikita what to understand in this! It's so clear that we can't continue trekking anymore else it can life threat for all of us." Naira said and Nikita frowned.

"Yes! Naira is Right Nikita. We should go back now only before the weather deteriorates more." Kartik said and four of them started to go back to hotel but Nikita still wanted to continue trekking.

"I want to continue trekking but everyone is going back... Idea! Yes.. if I'll do this then they will have to stop here and may be weather will be better after sometime and we will continue trekking. Yesss... Yay!" Nikita thought a plan to stop them.

Everyone was moving forward towards the hotel and Nikita was little slow. As she saw no one is looking back at her she held her leg and started wincing.

"Ahh! Kartik Baby... Ahh" Nikita said acting to be in pain.

Everyone looked back at her.

"What happened Nikita?" Naira asked.

"Can't you see that I am in pain?" Nikita replied rudely.

Kartik went towards her followed by Naira and Ruhi.

"How did you got hurt?" Kartik also asked.

"Vo.. vo.. haa... Vo actually I got stumbled due to this tree and fell down." Nikita said making an excuse.

"Waah! She can't even see a big tree." Naira mumbled.

"Kartik let's take Nikita to hotel because we have first aid there only." Ruhi said.

"Oh No! What this Ruhi is saying... My plan is back firing." Nikita thought.

"Ahh! No Baby... I can't even stand... How will I go to hotel. Let me sit here for some time." Nikita said acting to be in pain.

"Nikita but I think Ruhi is right." Kartik said.

"Baby!!" Nikita said in anger.

"Please try to understand." Nikita said getting irritated.

Weather deteriorates more and it started raining. Everyone ran towards the tree an the first one to run was none other than Nikita. Everyone looked at her shocked.

"What is this?" Kartik asked being surprised.

"Hmm...  Vo... Actually I wanted to continue trekking that's why I acted to hurt." Nikita said looking down.

"Oh wow Nikita! I must give you an award of best acting." Kartik said sarcastically.

"I was tensed for you and you played with my feelings." He looked away but a question striked in his mind that Was He Really Worried for her? But he brushed it off.

"I am sorry na Baby." Nikita said.

"Hmm Ok!" Kartik said.

"But now me our stuck here." Naira said looking at rain.

As she said, it started raining more heavily.

"So what! It's not my mistake." Nikita said.

"Huh..(mimicking her) it's not my mistake (Now in a normal time) Dramebaaz kahin ki." Naira mumbled under her breathe.

"Kartik... Weather is deteriorating. I think we should try calling someone to tell that we are stuck here so we can get any help." Naira said looking at the weather.

"Yes! You are right." Kartik said.

Everyone checked their phone but there was no signal.

"There is no signal here." Kartik said moving his phone here and there trying to get signal.

"Haa! I think we should move forward." Naira said.

"What! No, I can't. I will get wet." Nikita said.

"But we have to." Kartik said.

"Enough Nikita! How much drama will you do? Bas karo yaar." Kartik said being irritated.

"Baby..." Before she can again start her drama everyone started moving forward trying to reach the signals.

Precap : "Only three person can be rescued."
                  "But we are four!"


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Siya and Priyanshi

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