Chapter Two- "Shit"

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Wednesday Morning- First day of classes


Walking to my first class, I am overwhelmed with nerves. I mean it's the first day of freshman year. What if I can't make any friends in the class and then if I need help on homework, I don't have anyone to text and then I fail. Sure, I'm reaching a bit, but it's possible!

Being a journalism major I tried to keep my electives at least somewhat related to writing. That's how I ended up in "WRIT 1120- intro to theatrical writing," it doesn't sound very interesting, but it was either this or a music history class. I walk the short 7-minute walk from my dorm and take a seat in the third row- far enough back to not get called on but far enough forward to be able to see the lecture.

Exactly 2 minutes later and you'll never guess who strolls through the doors like they own the place. That's right, the four boys I've been avoiding for the last 5 days. Noah, Andrew, Cameron, and Seth all take a seat in the row behind me. Why right there?! This is a 200 person-sized lecture hall, and they chose to sit 6 inches behind me.

"Hey Scarlett" Seth says eagerly, obviously ignoring the tension I'm giving off.

"Hi Seth" I offer him a smile and out of the corner of my eye, I catch Noah's gaze.

I turn back around and sink into my seat, praying Mr. Vance would start teaching. Although with it still being 5 minutes until the scheduled start time that seems unlikely.

I hear rustling behind me and feel Noah's presence just behind my left ear.

"I was a little disappointed to wake up to an empty room on Saturday, what happened?" He whispers.

Oh, Saturday morning? You mean the morning that I had to do the walk of shame out of Noah Hale's bedroom like a sorority girl?

Saturday Morning

I woke up to a headache and a terrible case of dry mouth. This is why I don't like to drink all the time. I took out my phone and read that it was just after 9am.


Nat: Wait you're not at the dorm? Andrew said you left..

Nat: Where are you?

Nat: Are you ok?

Nat: I'm sorry for leaving, we thought you had already gone home


Me: sorry I crashed here and fell asleep almost instantly.

I quickly texted Chloe to ask if she was up and she responded saying yes. We agreed to just walk back to the dorm together instead of waking any of the boys to drive us. I got out of bed and remembered what I was wearing. I couldn't walk down the street in just a sweatshirt that barely covered the bottom of my butt. I didn't have a choice but to put my dress back on. I changed and folded Noah's clothes, setting them on the bed in a pile. I thought about waking him up to say bye but decided that last night was already awkward enough without adding more to it this morning.

Chloe and I walked back to the dorm and both went back to sleep for a few hours. When I woke up, all three girls were hounding me with questions about how I ended up in Noah Hale's bed. I assured them that nothing happened and that it definitely wasn't happening again. With some grumbling from Bella about how I "missed my opportunity," they all eventually let it go.

"I woke up and then I walked back to the dorms with Chloe" I answer Noah.

"Well yeah, I assumed as much. You didn't have to sneak out though, it's not like anything happened or something like that. Seth or I would have gladly driven you guys home"

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