the meeting/ I spy a cute stalker

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Hi, Everyone!! This is my first story ever. I posted a few parts on my tiktok, then people started telling me that I needed to make a wattpad, I got writers block so I couldn't finish this headcanon story, so I decided to rewrite this onto wattpad to see if I could inspiration to continue writing. I would like to thank yall for taking the time to read this story and hopefully more future stories as well, I will most likely be doing one at a time. I am not an English major, so excuse my run-on sentences, typos, and all that fun stuff. So, with that said, I will shut up. I hope you guys enjoy. :)


It was always bad place, bad time for you. You were caught up in a villain situation. Bakugou was the first Pro-Hero on the scene. You really didn't keep up with the pro-heros and who they were, despite you past. But, of course, you had faith in them because who wouldn't?

Typically, Bakugou does not ask for names of the victims of a scene, he just gets his missions done and goes back to his agency or goes back home, it really just depends on the day. But, with you, for some reason he just couldn't help himself... from the first time he saw you, he just knew...

Once Bakugou saved you, he had to take you somewhere safe, and you couldn't just let you leave and risk not being able to get you name and never seeing you again. He asked for your name but let's be honest, that is all he really needs to know to find out who you are. In return, you asked for his name and he was in shock because everyone just knew who he was. He liked you more solely on the fact that you didn't know who he was; it was refreshing for him. He repeated your name, paused for a moment, looked down, and smirked, (trying to hide it) and said, "Stay safe y/n..." and he let go of trying to hide his smirk, so he smiled at you and you instantly fell in love with his flirty ass smile and it instantly gave you butterflies. He heard his name being called by another hero, so he ran off to finish the mission.

You didn't even get a chance to thank him, but somehow you knew that you would get the chance to do so. That was the moment when you did not think of the situation as bad place, bad time, it wasn't perfect, it was bad... but it wasn't all bad. No one was hurt at least, and he caught the villain. You turned around, grabbed your shirt from your chest softly just above you heart, looked up, sighed and smiled as you walked home.

Bakugou ended up stalking you as soon as he got back from that mission, but of course his pride will take over and he waited a few days instead of the following day and using the villain excuse to check up on you. A few days later, he shows up to the bakery that you own. He played it cool, of course like if he did not just stalk you to find out where you worked. You were the first person he never gave attitude to (at first) he felt like he needed to protect you more than anyone and he did not know why. It was nice that for once he got to be more chill and down to earth instead of being the hot head that everyone knows him to be. He felt calm around you, and that is what attracted him to you.

When he entered your bakery, he bought two of everything that you had on display because he knew that you made them. His excuse was that he was taking them to everyone at work, but in reality, he wanted to try everything. He just asked for two of everything to make it more believable, but he ended up taking the rest to work anyway, so technically, it wasn't a lie.

When you were getting him his order, you both were so nervous and you both caught each other trying so hard not to smile. To break the ice, he asked how you were doing since the incident and you replied with, "I am doing very well, actually, speaking of, I really wanted to thank you for what you did and made sure I got somewhere safe. I truly do appreciate what you did for me, and I do not think I could ever repay you for that..."

The entire time you are speaking he is just thinking about how you are the prettiest person he has ever seen. He was trying to figure out how to ask you out on a date, but he said he wanted to do everything at its own pace, since it would actually be his second REAL relationship in a long time.

"...this is honestly just a small token for my appreciation, and thanks, it really is nothing compared to what you did for me, but your order will be on the house." as you smiled. He replied with, "Y/n, are you sure? You really don't have to do this, it really just is my career, there is no need to thank me!" And, you insisted that he take everything, and he said, "Okay, since it looks like I won't be able to change your mind, I will take it. Thank much. I will repay you for this." Since then, he would go everyday to your bakery just so that you can be the first person he sees in the morning before going into work, you also had the news on one of your TV's 24/7 to always check up on him, but, one day...

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