Ghosts of Lovers Past

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"Your first girlfriend? What happened to her?" You asked.

Bakugou told you everything from the beginning, starting with how they met.

"It started right when I turned 18, I just graduated from UA and I was already working as a Pro-Hero freely, since you know, we still had to go to school when we had to get our provisional licenses. At that point, it was already a full-time job. It was about a month into working under an agency, and Lilith's quirk was one of the strongest among us. Everyone knew about my past and how I would speak, act and all these things. She made me grow up a little and taught me how to control my temper. She was the only one who didn't care how I was. She talked to me and did not care if I screamed at her. She would make everything a joke." he turned to you and continued,

"I am not gonna lie, you and Lilith have many similarities, its like you are a reincarnation of her. It is honestly crazy to me..."

Your eyebrows furred downward, giving him a scrunched up face.

"Anyway, one day, she asked me out on a date, and that is where everything started with her. I was with her for a little under 2 years, she was a year older than me. I wanted to be with her of course, she was my first girlfriend ever. I wasn't very nice to her. I actually treated her like crap. Which, is very shitty thing to do, and she didn't deserve that, she deserved so much more, but she seemed to be attracted to me treating her like shit. We had our good moments where I would let her get close to me and be lovey dovey, but never in public. I missed out on good moments because of my pride. Since she was my first girlfriend, she was the first and last person everyone met that I was romantically involved with....until now."

"In a while." It suddenly made sense why Mina said that when you first met her.

"Everyone took a while to like her though since she was very outspoken and didn't know when to shut up. But, Deku was actually the first one to come to her defense and tell everyone to give her a chance. She deserved that much. Deku and Lilith got really close especially because they were always getting teamed up for missions. I think it hit Deku the hardest, he spent more time with her than what I did. It was only our free time. But it still hurt me, of course, I was second on that list. Her quirk, it was a dangerous one. She had two personalities. She had Lilith, which was her own cheery self, then there was her other half, Ririsu, (its Japanese for Lilith). Ririsu, was a demon, she would come out when she felt that Lilith was in danger, which was all the time. I mean she was a Pro-Hero. It was hard to control. Ririsu would come out at random times as well, from what I saw, over the years Ririsu was getting more and more control of Lilith's body. Doctors did warn her and her parents that it could be the death of her."

You whispered, "Oh my god..." you slowly were clenching your fist into Bakugo's shirt.

"Yeah... so, the day she turned 20, Ririsu took over her body and Lilith was trying so hard to fight for her body back she couldn't until the very last moment. It was the first time Deku, Lilith, and I were teamed up for a mission. We were going through a rough patch as well, we were on the verge of a break up, we had gotten into an argument the night before. When the villain came out of hiding, Lilith was held hostage in front of my own eyes, Ririsu came out as soon as that happened, I think she was waiting for the right time to come out, and she did, but this time she didn't go back. Ririsu's power was too strong for Lilith's body. Ririsu's power over came the villain, killed him instantly, and that power was what killed Lilith as well. I ran to her as fast as I could, putting myself in more danger, just to get to hold her. She went mental, she was kicking, screaming, hitting me... and all I could do was hold her. Then at the last second, Lilith came out.
"Bakugou... I can't fight her. Thank you for making me happy the last couple years of my life. Be happy."

She turned to look at Deku, "Keep being you... Promise me?"

Deku bursts into tears and said," I promise, Lilith...Please don't go."

She said, "Thank you, Deku, for being my partner...Bakugou, I love you...I love you both."

"I will never forget those exact words. It was the worst thing I could possibly hear. That was went I truly realized how much I cared for her. I was defeated, it was the worst shape Deku, and the squad had ever seen me. She would haunt my dreams, when I worked I would think I see her in the corner of my eye so I was always double taking everywhere I looked. I wasn't ready to let go. So, from that day forward, I changed into the man I am today. I promised myself that I would never treat my significant other like the way I treated her. But, I also tried my best to stay away from people to prevent getting in a relationship again. Until now, all I want to do is protect the person I am with, which, that is now you, y/n. I would throw away my life to save you and protect you from anything and everything."

You were speechless, you were tearing up.

You said, "I know the pain you and Deku went through. When I was 19, I was also in a relationship, a toxic one, but I loved her, Ayame...she also died. Actually, murdered. I had a stalker since middle school who had the mentality of, "If I can't have her, no one can." He would stalk us until he knew our schedules by memory. Except this one night, we did something different, she was home, and I wasn't. My stalker broke into our apartment, it was Ayame's turn to get groceries, but she was tired so while she slept, I went to the store and I took one of her jackets because it was raining out, and none of mine were waterproof. When I got home, I figured she would be awake cause she always was since I took long at the store each time. I yelled out 'Aya! I'm home! Can you help me, please?' she never got up, so I went to check on her and I found her on the floor all bloody, she was a fighter, I knew she didn't go down without a fight." you looked up at Katsuki, "It was supposed to be me that night, not her. I know that for a fact. I was screaming and crying so loud that the neighbors called the cops, I didn't even get a chance to call them myself. After everything, they found a pin that my stalker dropped when he was trying to escape from the window, and DNA from him under Aya's fingernails. It was the second worst time of my life. You can never get over it, you know? Also, like you, she would show up but I would see her around our apartment. I would feel her as if she was sleeping next to me still. I decided that I needed to move from our apartment, and I moved back into mine and my parents old house and fixed it up. It's crazy... they're with us one day, and gone within a second. I try to visit her grave and parents as much as I can."

Bakugou hugs you so tightly, and says, "You have gone through too much in your life. We have. Everything will be fine. We will be fine. I devote my life to protect you. I will never let you go."

With your head on his chest, you burst into tears... and you both end up falling asleep as you both are.

no one but you| completed.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora