I'm What?! 😳

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"Pregnant. You're pregnant. Look. Right here! It looks like nothing, but I can see it clear as day. You're pregnant." The doctor said.

"I'm WHAT?"

"Pregnant, (y/n) haha!" said the doctor.

"Oh man, how am I gonna tell everyone?" *long pause* "Wait, Oh my.... wow. I'm gonna be a mom..."

On your way home, *in your head*, "Suki is literally in the process of moving in. Is it a good time to even tell him? What do I do? Should I call Mina and Kiri? How am I supposed to act around him? I'm only a few weeks, I'm not going to be able to keep it a secret forever? Let me call Mina and tell her to bring Kiri over with her. Yeah.. That's what I'll do."

When Mina and Kiri got to your house, they had Sero and Denki as well. Kiri said that Sero and Denki were already together playing video games when Mina called and said that you sounded like it was urgent and you were in distress so we all rushed over as fast as we could.

Kiri asked, "Where's Bakubro? Shouldn't he be here too?"

"Yeah, well.. That's the problem. What I'm about to tell you guys has to be a secret for a while!" *looks at Kiri especially* "Suki is in the process of moving in with me" You said.


Kiri: "Yeah, he told me about that. How is that going?"

Denki: "Is that the problem? That's what you wanted to tell us? Are you nervous about living with a Pomeranian/Chihuahua?"

Sero: "Guys! Let y/n finish! y/p has more to say!"

You, continued. "Yeah, okay. So, Since he is moving in, I don't think it's a good time to tell him..."

*Everyone looking at you*

"Spit it out!" "What's going on" "Mhmm?" "Okay....continue?"

"I am... pregnant. I am only a few-"

Everyone jumps up in excitement and starts screaming and they all ran to give you a group hug

"weeks. That's why I called you guys over. I don't know when to tell him, how to tell him. I just found this out right before I called Mina. You guys are the first one to know. I need help."

Kiri: "Wow, I can't believe that Bakubro is gonna be a dad!"

Mina: "Yeah....Imagine Bakugou as a dad.."

Denki: "Yeah for sure.. That is going to be a crazy sight to see!"

Sero: "You and Baku are going to be good parents I just know it. We're all going to be Uncles! How exciting!"

Mina: "AHHHHH! I'm going to be an Auntie!!!!!!! Okay, I can come up with something to try to break the ice with him, Kiri and the boys, if they can will go hang out with him on his next off day, while we go out and figure out how you want to tell him."

You: " Okay, yeah. His next day off will be in two days so I have time to think. He should be home soon. Remember, DO NOT SAY A WORD! I will murder you if words gets out! Promise me!" *stares at Kiri again*

Kiri: "Okay, I promise!" and both of you seal the deal with your pinkies for the promise.

"I have cheesecake, let me make some tea, so that you guys can stay for a bit and when Suki gets here we can say that you guys came to visit since it's been a while."

2 Days Later

You told Suki that you needed stuff from the mall for one of your workers, and you gave him a list; You were going to be on the other side of town with Mina and he was done, he was going to meet you back at home. He was going to the mall with Kiri, (Denki and Sero were busy), so you thought it was perfect. This was your own little way of sending him on a little scavenger hunt type of thing.

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