The Reveal 💓💙

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Since telling the news about the pregnancy, Suki went with you to every Ultrasound appointment you had. The first time he heard Baby K, (baby kacchan) he stood up straight, eyes wide open, looked at you, then your stomach, back at you and he would give you the cutest glossy puppy eyes ever, almost at the verge of tears, and he would look back at the monitor. Every appointment you would have, he was always to be sure to make it to go in there with you because he didn't want you going by yourself; and every time, his reaction was the same.

When you and Suki were at home, he was always reading to get information about babies, being in the womb, the birth process, the post partum things, how to hold a baby, feed, clothe, etc. He was always just learning. So, one day when he read up, he saw something about babies and classical music, so he had you laying down most of the time so that  he can put headphones on your stomach and he would have one song classical music, and then he would put on some of his own music was consist of 2000's emo music, classic rock/metal. So, Baby K was just going to have such a long list of music genres it's going to listen to, that doesn't include the music that Auntie Mina, and it's uncles we're going to have 'em listening to.

Every night after finding out about the pregnancy, Suki was just so in love with the thought of everything, and so excited. When he would get home from work, or pick you up from the bakery, every greeting and 'See You Later' you had with Suki, he would always give you a kiss, of course, and would go down to your stomach put his ear against it, kiss it, and say, "Listen here, you little shit, don't go hurting mommy today, or you're going to deal with me when you get home...I Love You!" and gives you another kiss. But, he absolutely always kisses your stomach and talks to it, and he also HAS TO sleep with his hand on your stomach, if you move he will feel uneasy and won't be able to sleep. He worries a lot. When he first felt the baby move/kick, he was so weirded out because he's never felt anything like that before but then he just got excited and he just wanted his hand on your tummy that much more because it was half of him, and half the love of his life growing in there. He appreciated it so much. It was adorable.

So, the day came where everyone is going to find out the gender of Baby K. Misu and Mina both took over the party things and wanted to take over because they knew you always needed help so from that day on, all parties and special occasions will be planned by them and took Suki's card unless they wanted to buy something themselves, all you had to do was answer questions, show up and look your best.

5 minutes prior to the gender reveal, Misu told Bakugo to start making his hands sweat because he was going to have to make little AP-Shots to find out what the gender is. So, he went up to you and said, "Hey Dork, help me heat up my hands, hold them." and you did. Meanwhile, you and Suki went up to Mina and said, "Hey, looks like you got your shirt dirty there! Here we got you a new one." She looked at the shirt because it was the same color as Deku's and she said, "Wait, is this Deku's?" Suki said, "No, you idiot! Why don't you take a good look at it!" She smiled so big and screamed, "OH MY GOSH I'M THE GOD MOTHER?!?!?!? AHHHH! I'm so happy, and excited, and OMG I'm the only auntie AND I'm the God-Mother! OMG" and hugged you both. "Dumbass." Suki said, while smirking.

Being outside, you still were holding hands but you were giving him a little extra heat (even though he didn't really needed much), you grabbed his hands and held them near your mouth and you started exhaling just for that extra push, then gave him a kiss and both of you said, "Let's do this!" So he started using his Ap-Shot on a big picture of the sonogram and he had to outline the baby basically and around it would be the color of the gender. As he was doing that as quickly as he could there was dust getting everywhere so once it calmed, everyone paused for a second. They saw the color and they started jumping around, crying, hugging each other. You jumped into into Suki's arms as you started crying and everyone screamed, "IT'S A GIRL!!!!" (Ugh how sweet imagine how much a daddy's girl that kid is gonna be.)


When everyone was still in awe with what was going on, you got a sharp pain in your stomach, so sharp it made you pass out. Suki caught you mid-fall. Deku, Kiri, Mina, Momo, Shoto, Denki, Sero and the rest of this old classmates all dropped their drinks and ran straight to you to try to help you wake up and to make sure you were okay. It's only their first instinct, they're all hero's after all. Misu and the rest of the guests stayed in shock for a moment.

Shoto ran inside to call the ambulance, and ran back out and said "Bakugo, I already called for help... someone check the pulse, make sure (y/p) doesn't stop breathing..." 

Momo creates medical equipment so that someone can check everything they needed to check before medical help arrives.

"Oh no, this isn't good." Kiri, said.

Deku right after, "Y/P needs to get out of here and into the hospital NOW!"

That's when everyone notices that there was a pool of blood coming out from the bottom half of what you were wearing and the blood was spreading fast. When the ambulance got there they took you away from Bakugo to put you into the back of the ambulance as Misu was explaining what happened. Bakugo being next to you on the floor his clothes and hands were covered in blood and he stayed staring at his hands in shock, he didn't know what to do... his eyes were filled with so much sadness, worry and so many thoughts. One of the thoughts being, "I was gonna propose to her tonight..." then other thoughts started flooding in about Baby K and about you. Deku tried to make him snap out of it, so Kiri tried to help and nothing was happening so Mina, slapped him to make him snap out of it, and he did. Deku said, "Kacchan, GO! They need you..."

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