Him... and her. 🤍

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Note: The first half will be Bakugo's POV (sort of)   :) It will be a little fast pace since 9 months does go by quickly. I'm nervous.. haha.



Suki noticed that you liked being in Mount Fuji, if he wasn't a hero he would unquestionably move us out there...Maybe retirement?

He knew you were terrified of a miscarriage happening again, he told himself that he had to hold himself back from trying. All he wanted to do was try again, and again, and again...over and over. He refrained, he couldn't bare to see you like the way he did...not again. One time was more than enough to break his soul, but he couldn't cry. He was not able to show any emotion. What was it called? Oh- right, 'Being a Man'. He felt as if he were to cry when not at the funeral home or the cemetery; You would feel like you were to blame. In reality, it was no one's fault. Unfortunately, she just wasn't meant to be... so, God took her before you were able to touch her, see her...hold her.

He noticed right away that it was becoming a trend for you to wake up with morning sickness. In the back of his head, he wanted it to be true. He wanted you to be pregnant again, but if you weren't happy...what was the point?

He heard you over and over being in denial about ever getting pregnant again, he knew it was the PTSD that kept making you say those things, but each time you said it; It was like daggers were piercing his heart. "Baby, go to the doctor. It's been a week," in a soft tone, trying not to get you mad, he was curious. He said it with concern. "You aren't eating anything either, and if you do; you puke."

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow." You really just wanted him to stop talking about it. You wanted to put his mind at ease and make sure nothing horrible was happening to your body.

In Suki's mind, it wasn't like you at all. You loved food...desserts especially, but you couldn't even hold that down. It rose red flags.

The next day, he drove you to the Hero's Hospital, and everything came out normal. Could it really be that she is pregnant? They prescribed her some nausea medication and sent us home after they took out blood for some more tests which, after a couple of weeks the results came back.

That's when Suki received a phone call. After the call with Doctor X, he was extremely happy, but he wasn't going to show it until after he saw your face; How you reacted. Was it going to be good, or bad? He didn't want to wait after work to tell you, so he marched his angry looking ass across the street to tell you.

If we're being honest here, he was worried about you being pregnant, so he was going to make you stop going into your bakery and stay home unless you went out with him, Misu, Pa, the girls, or the guys. People who cared for you... who looked after you.

All you would ever do was sit wherever you wanted to sit and stare at anything until oblivion. Most of the time, when he would talk to you, you would never listen, he was forced to touch your skin in order to get your full attention, but even at that; It wasn't your full attention. That is how it was all the time. Forcing you to get up, eat, to shower, he was the one who had to clothe you, tuck you into bed every night. It was happening again, just like how it was after the miscarriage. The one thing that crossed Suki's mind is that he did not want to lose you.

It was probably selfish to think but if he was ever given the dilemma to choose between you and a kid, he would choose you. Every single time, you. It will always be you. No one else. He thought there was always more time to have kids, but there was only one of you that will ever be by his side like this. If he lost you, he might as well be dead. He would revert back to his old ways- his high school ways. He had changed so much, opened up so much from high school- as you were told- and you did notice it a lot as well. It was selfish for him to think, but he wouldn't dare to say it aloud.

no one but you| completed.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя