Little Blue Butterfly 🦋

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After going to the doctors to check up on yourself to see if it was possible to have children after your miscarriage, the doctors finally get back to you and tell you that everything came back normal, it would take about another 6 months to a year to be able to come back from your last pregnancy and after that window of time it was be perfectly fine to try again for another child. You and Suki didn't try. You left it as it was; if it was meant to be, it will happen. You both just let the universe decide when you and Suki were ready again.

During the time you and Suki were mourning, you left the bakery open and told the manager that you will be taking time off. Suki was not helping out with any hero work, you both had enough money saved up to take time off. You would spend your days and nights in bed, the only time you would get up was to eat, go to the restroom, and shower. Suki to get his mind off of things wanted to do all the housework. On normal days everything was divided 50/50, but since it would help his mentality he would do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping etc. When he was done doing everything, he would just lay in bed and hold you, play with your hair, and caress your skin for hours until you both got hungry or tired so you both would just fall asleep in each others arms. It was the only comforting thing that he can do for you, and it really did help a lot. Through out the months, he would get you out of bed more and more each day. He would find mangas to read, animes to watch, puzzles to do, coloring books to color, paintings to do... the number ones because he knew you didn't know how to draw. (lol) Anything to get you from being in bed all day. Soon after that you were able to finally be yourself again, you started cooking when you got hungry. He started doing little things that you don't like to see if he would get a reaction out of you... it worked.

After those few months you and Suki started talking and you both decided that it was finally time to get your lives back on track. You went back to the bakery and he went back to his agency. He would still walk you in the mornings to the bakery and get you afterwards to walk home. This was your first day back, so you both wanted to go to the cemetery to talk to Baby Tennin. She was buried next to your parents so on the way to get you Suki stopped at the store to buy things to eat to have a little picnic since it has been a while that you've visited your parents, as well. Getting there, you saw that someone put new flowers on your mom, dad and Baby Tennin's grave. You started tearing up from how thankful you were and you wished to thank whoever it was. Suki grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of him so that he can hug you from the back. He teared up after he saw you as well. He can't seem to hold himself back when he sees you trying to fight back the tears. The hug was a little gesture to you to show that he will always be behind you, all you have to do is look back.

( You later found out it was Kiri, Deku, Mina, Sero and Denki. <3 )

Before leaving, the two cardinals showed up once again, but this time, there was a little blue butterfly that landed in the middle of the two cardinals. In that moment, you knew that Baby Tennin was with her grandparents in heaven and they were happy.

It gave the closure that you and Suki both needed...

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