Dream Girl 💭

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You and Suki always had deep conversations every once in a while just to see where each others head were at, so it wasn't weird or out of the ordinary. One night you and Suki were having a heart to heart before falling asleep. Just talking about life and the future. When he was looking into your eyes and playing with your hair, he made up his mind.  He already knew from the moment he saw you. But, he just knew.

He started thinking about marrying you more and more. His thoughts were all scattered around. He woke up the next morning thinking if he should tell you to take the day off so that you and him can run away and elope and then tell everyone later, and have a whole wedding later, or if he wanted to do everything the right away. So many thoughts were going though his head, and he finally made up his mind that he wanted to do things the right away and he wanted to at least propose first. He was mentally beating himself up about not proposing like a month into the relationship. Or at least a promise ring.

After a whole day of thinking then making up his mind, the following day he woke up early, which he usually would do, but just a little earlier this time, he cooked breakfast for when you woke up and lunch to pack it up in a little basket, he got a blanket and drinks as well. He went back into the house, got ready, and then read manga until you finally woke up. He asked you if you can ask one of your managers to take over for your lunch break because he wanted to take you out. He apologized for asking you last minute, but you could never say no to him. He is your weakness, and you are his. But, you are also each other's greatest strengths. And you both knew that.

In the area where you both worked there was a flower garden/park and in that garden park they had the most beautiful plants planted there in all of Japan. He set up the blanket under a cherry blossom tree, and then he walked to pick you up from your bakery. You looked at the basket when he got there and you said, "a picnic date?" He did his cute little smirk and he put his arm around the back of your neck and said, "Yup. Just the two of us, you're going to love the scenery."

When you get there you are in awe. You are just looking around at everything, almost forgetting you're there for lunch. You said, "I had no idea this was even in the area. I think this place is probably the top place you've ever brought me to." He says, "Well dumbass, you aren't to aware of your surroundings when alone. It's good that you have me." You fall in love with that specific cherry blossom tree because Suki is the one that brought you there and that made everything so much more beautiful than it already is. So, you're laying down looking up from under the tree, and then Suki comes into your field of vision and goes,

"Hey, idiot. Are you listening to me?"

- you zoned out. So, you snapped back into reality and you go, "Huh? Wh- what? I'm sorry what were you saying?"

He said, "No! Now I don't wanna talk -mhm." *turns his head the other way*

You try getting into his field of vision and you say, "Baaaaaby... hehe. Babe! Come on!" you smirked.

He closes his eyes and goes, "Nope! Not paying attention, I'm not gonna repeat myself."

You got irritated so you jump on top of him and grab him by the chin, turn his head and made him look at you, and you looked into his eyes and said, "You better say it again!"

He grabs your waist, turns you over (to pin you down) mid-turn, he grabs the back of your head so that you won't hit it on the ground and at this point Suki is on top of you, so, he kisses you passionately and says, "Let's go get married. right now at the court."

You look at him and say, "What? I'm not even dressed properly."

He said, "So you're saying if you were dressed properly you would've gone right now and we could elope? I wasn't expecting that."

You said, "Well, yeah. I want you. Only you."

So he then said, "Okay, tonight I'm going to take you out to a fancy restaurant, I bought you something a while back, I have it hidden in one of the rooms in the house. Wear it tonight. It is our anniversary anyway.

You said, "Alright, as long as you treat me to some whiskey, I'm down for a fancy date. Even thought I much rather stay in and watch movies."

When he walked you back to the bakery, he gave you a kiss on the lips and said, "We're leaving a little before sunset, there's somewhere I wanna take you before we go to the restaurant. Be ready before that, you take a life time to get ready."

You said, "Rude! No I don't!"

He then, notices all of your workers lurking in the back trying to eavesdrop on what you and him were talking about. You're both kinda loud, he it isn't that hard. He tried to make them jealous because he knows he's the best boyfriend and he has a god complex, so he pats the top of your head and starts laughing, and says, "You denying that is cute, baby girl." You pout and say, "Ugh, fine.." and then he grabs the back of your head to bring you in and kisses your forehead. He said, everyone is staring, he makes it obvious and looks inside the bakery and waves at all the works and they all scattered. " I'll see you later, I love you." When a few feet away, he turned around and said, "Don't make me wait, dumb ass!!!"

As soon as you and Suki got home, you and him took a shower, and got ready. before sun down, he was already getting mad at how long you were taking because he wanted to take you to an area that you can see the stars come out so beautifully, but the sun set is just as beautiful. He wanted to pass by at the peak of the sunset and stay there until it got dark, and then go eat.

By some miracle, you both made it. Mountains in the back, the sunset, and once the sunset went down, the stars are visible almost instantly. You are such a sucker for scenery. He looks at you, with the most amazing face that you have ever seen. It is like you both fell in love all over again. He says, "Fuck, you look stunning." and you replied with, "Right back at ya, babe. You look so handsome."

When arriving at the restaurant, one of the workers was about to open the door for you, and Suki says, "Don't touch the door, extra. I got it."

You have a nice dinner, you both were basically laughing the whole time, and you got your whiskey, which is one of the best parts of the night because dealing with Suki is sometimes a headache and vice versa, he also needed to get a drink in to build up some courage. Suddenly, " y/n, do you actually see me in your future?"

You said, "Dumbass, what do you mean? What kind of question is-" He cuts you off.

"Lets go."

He took you to a ballroom that is in the restaurant an puts a blindfold on you, and he walks to where he needs to be standing, someone walks you in, you think it is Suki, but you can tell by the smell it isn't, but you went along with it. He says, "Okay take it off of her." When you are able to see, there are flower pedals everywhere, flowers on vines all over the ceiling, the walls with white lights hanging down. and Him, standing in front of these big letters that what red LED lights in them that say, "Marry me?" When you walk up tp him, he pulls out this beautiful red ring box, opens it up, gets on one knee and says, "(your full name), You're the girl of my dreams. Every moment I have spent with you had been the best time of my life, even at the worst. I felt better because you were the one next to me. I cannot see my future without you in it. You have made me the luckiest and happiest man in this universe. I want to make you feel the same. I would do anything just to see you smile. y/n would you do me the honor of being my person for the rest of our lives?"

You say, with tears running down your face, but with the biggest smile, "Katsuki Bakugou, you already make me feel like the luckiest and happiest person in the world. I couldn't ask for a better husband and partner. Of course I will marry you dumbass!! You didn't even have to ask. I was going to make you marry me sooner or later." Yall kiss, and everyone in the room, and the people across the room started cheering yall on. Mina and Misu both started screaming and crying. Misu screamed "AH SHE'S FINALLY OFFICIALLY GOING TO BE MY DAUGHTER!!!!" the whole gang was there as well. You didn't even notice because you were so caught up in the moment.

Going back home, you both took another shower, got comfortable, and you got your wish to watch movies, so being on the couch, you two just got comfortable and you and Suki just move around a lot until you both just ended up falling asleep in each others arms. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

You couldn't of asked for anything else. Suki, couldn't of asked for anything else...

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