Date? Date.

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A few days later, he swings by your bakery before you get there, and he does the most Bakugou shit ever, he obviously didn't have a key, so he blasts his dumbass in, with very surprisingly minimal damage.

His AP shots have gotten only better and more precise.

When you got there, you thought there was someone there stealing, you saw glass on the floor so you went in there thinking you were going to kick someone's ass, which you probably would've if he wasn't standing there with a tux, ONE flower, a bunch of chocolates and candies on a table along with a big bouquet of sunflowers (or something/anything you prefer to be receiving from him), he set everything up real cute.

He said, " I don't know what chocolates or candies are your favorite so I just bought one of everything they had at the store." He smirked.

He started to get nervous and you can tell because he wouldn't stand still. And you said, "You could've waited for me to get here to do this, you didn't have to break in, you know that right? You scared the soul out of me!" and you hit his arm just enough for him to feel it.

He said, "Yeah, maybe, but where's the fun in that, sweet cheeks?" and winks.

You said, "You're paying for this and getting me new doors, idiot! haha." you were only joking around, you didn't care about the door.

Bakugou said, "Well yeah? What kind of loser would do this and not pay for it?" and you both started laugh. He, being in his head started thinking of how perfect you are and how lucky he feels to be standing before you, about to ask you out on a first date.

He then, grabs both your hands and stands you right in front of him and says with his deep ass grr voice, "Okay, beautiful, I want you to wear this tonight, I'll pick you up at 8." and hands you a black box with a beautiful lilac ribbon and bow wrapped around it.

When you opened it up, it was a gorgeous dress that matched the ribbon, and when you looked up, you realized it matched the tie he was wearing as well. *lol nose bleed*

Just when you were about to thank him- he grabs you by the waist, brings you in, hugs you, "Don't say anything. Just show up." He kisses your forehead, and chuckled while holding the back of your head. When walking out of the bakery he says, "Yup, I'll send people over right now and have it fixed by lunch. I'll be seeing you later, princess." leaving you utterly speechless.

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