First Date 🧡

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When Bakugou picks you up, he gets off the vehicle and he freezes in awe as you walked out of your house.

You are actually wearing the dress he got you and you look absolutely stunning.

"You actually wore it?" he said in relief.

"I'm not one to disobey orders, Bakugo." you placed your fingers over your lips and giggled.

"Katsuki. Call me, Katsuki."

You smiled, "Katsuki... I'm not one to disobey orders, especially not from the handsome hero who saved my life." you chuckled.

In that moment, when your eyes met, he fell in love. But since Bakugo was literally with his mouth open, you said, "Oh no, is something wrong? Do I look weird?"

He shut his mouth and snapped back into reality and said, "Don't be stupid, you look flawless." as he goes in for a hug he says under his breath, "You look fucking perfect." and opens the car door for you, and now you were under a contract that as long as he is around you and by your side, you will never touch a door ever again.

He takes you out to this fancy restaurant which, neither of you have ever been to, cause both of you are not used to going out to fancy places, so it was a first. Since it was both yours and his first official date, he wanted it to be special. But, let's be honest here, you both would much rather get some fast food and have a car picnic. 

While ordering, neither of you could pronounce anything on the menu and you two were just cracking up about it especially when the waiter was taking your orders. You both were nervous, but at the same time you both tried calming yourselves down because it was nothing new to have normal conversation- except this time, it is at a nice place and you were trying to get to know one another.

You asked about his parents and what they are like, and he said, "Ah, well, my mom, Mutsuki, is an old hag, and she's loud. As for my father Masaru, he is the opposite from my mother, he is more calm and quiet than loud, I would like to think they are good parents. They're professional designers. What about yours? What are they like? What do they do for a living?"

You said, "Uh- well, my mother, M/N, and my father, F/N, they were the most loving parents any one could ask for. I always had what I wanted, and needed. The most giving people I knew. My mother was a hair dresser, and my father was a lawyer. He said, "was...?" with such sad eyes.

He always caught on to the littlest details.

You said, "Yes, was. They are no longer with me, it's just been me for a while now. They were on vacation across the seas when I was about 18, and on the plane back home, the plane suddenly crashed, my parents with many other passengers drowned." you looked down and back up at Suki with half a smile. As if, you were trying to say everything is okay.

He grabbed your hand, and looked into your eyes and said, "I am sorry to hear that, but hey, you aren't alone anymore. You've got me now." He played with your knuckles, touching the veins at the top of your hand, softly.

You replied saying, "Yeah..." and you smiled gently at him.

Bakugou then said, "Hey so, after this, I want to take you somewhere, it's kind of special to me, and I want you to meet some of my buds, if you don't mind? and yes, your outfit, is appropriate." He knew what was going on back with his former classmates. Before you asked, saving your breath, he confirmed that the dress he bought you was perfect for where you two were headed.

You asked," I don't mind, but what's the occasion?"

Bakugou said, "You'll find out once we stand outside of the area." as he smiled softly.

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