You ARE mine...Only MINE.

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Note: I didn't mention this before, but you and Suki have your own vehicles. You both just choose not to use them for work. It gives you more time to be together in the morning before work, and going home, even though you live together. Walking was good for both of you anyway, him for his stamina and you didn't mind the walking due to keeping you active since you don't join Suki at the gym as much as you'd like to. Plus- you'd rather stay home and read manga, watch anime or horror movies, and cook him something to eat for when he gets back home. You have a store in your neighborhood, so there was no need for it, unless you were going on long road trips, or for special occasions. Adding to that, it helps save the world to use vehicles less. <3

This chapter is two "little" stories in one.
いち - one
- two



The week you and Suki came back home from your Honeymoon at Mount Fuji, you returned back to work, as did he.
He did his normal picking you up everyday when he left his Agency so that you can walk home together, but now... you were across the street from him. Your workers moved everything over to the new building when you and Suki were out.

Thank you, Todoroki's...and your lovely workers.
Thank God, you hire men, too... cause shit is heavy.

Anyway, Suki doesn't like you walking to the station and back home alone. He hated the thought of it.

You. Alone.

Today, Suki wasn't able to walk you home, but he tried his hardest to finish a job as fast as he could. It was a drag, regardless. He likes getting shit done as fast as possible. It was one thing you absolutely love about him.

You could ask him to take out the trash or do anything and he would do it right away. He didn't want to do it later. He wanted it done quickly cause it would only bother him later, and not to mention you would probably bitch him out if he was one of those guys that didn't listen. He would rather not hear that. Not that he ever heard you complain about stuff like that since he would do it on his own or do it as soon as you asked. Trash duty was his duty. According to him, a woman should never take out the trash it was a man's job.

God, you love him.

He called you before running off to a mission to tell you that you should go home when there was still light out because he didn't want you walking when it was dark. You told him you had a lot of work so you would try to take some of the things home.

That didn't happen.

He was still on his mission, he was close to being done. It was a gather information mission.

You felt this weird aura in the air as if someone was watching you. You were always spot on about that kind of thing, let's just call it a 'woman's intuition' or that 'gut feeling' we all get but choose to ignore? Yeah, that one.

You walked faster as you were looking around trying not to freak out. The last thing you wanted was to have a panic attack while alone in a dark secluded area. Noー not without Suki here. He was the only one that is able to calm you down from your attacks.
It was the first time walking home alone in a long time, you didn't need this to happen. Maybe, it's only your anxiousness making you think someone is following you. Maybe, it was separation anxiety that you had? You were used to this scheduleー this ritual you had with Suki. You were very emotionally dependent on Suki at this point. Co-dependency is a bitch. You don't like this feeling of being watched or followed.

no one but you| completed.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें