✍️The blacksmith

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Third Person's POV

While Edrin and the men were heading to Aakh, King Grayson, Queen Violet, Jude, and other royal families escaped through a secret path known as the King's way, created for times like these. They left for Rathen; a Kingdom to the east of Verthona.

During the entire journey, Edrin could not help but fear that his life with Kira would come to an end, that was something he could never deal with. He was ready to give up his place on the throne for her sake, that was how madly in love he was with her.

They made several stops to drink enough water to quench their thirst; the desert was no friend of theirs.

After two more weeks of travel, they finally reached The great Aakhian empire; the mother of all the Kingdoms.

It was not difficult to find Jared's place because it was located in a small village on the outskirts of Aakh. The village was a breath of fresh air after leaving the scorching heat of the desert sun. Men and women greeted them as they navigated through the lanes of the market. The women there were extremely beautiful, their eyes sparkled whenever they smiled. Edrin couldn't help but notice the resemblance they had with Kira. Someone else thought the same; Victor.
They were given directions to Jared's cottage by a little girl who referred to him as 'the blacksmith'. The little girl was thanked with a jade necklace from Edrin upon Hector's insistence.

They did not meet Jared at his cottage, so they waited for his return.
Two hours later, a now-bearded Jared arrived with some supplies in his hands. "Welcome boys, I have been expecting you." He greeted them with a huge smile.
He looked like a common man except for his remarkably tall and muscular build which undoubtedly made him stand out from anyone else.

He wore leather clothes and had a cheerful demeanor.

The men were happy to see him, they jumped on him like children and they fell to the ground, laughing so hard until they got teary-eyed.

"It's so good to see you, General", Victor said. The rest of the men chorused the same words.

Edrin was the only one not involved in the exchange, he stood aside, watching the show.

"Brother, so good to see you". Jared walked up to him.

"Likewise, hopefully after this, I won't need your help any longer". Replied Edrin, unemotionally.


After a good meal, they gathered in the center of Jared's living room.

"The enemy is sweeping throw the cities, one by one... It is just a matter of time before the whole of Verthona is wiped out".  Said Victor.

"I suspected that it would be this serious, back when I did my investigations in the capital, I saw some excessive trading taking place in some areas, weapons seemed to be in high demand, and the number of food supplies that could feed a whole nation was shipped off to an unknown location. I got arrested before I could find out where".. Explained Jared.

"Why did you not say anything to Father?". Asked Edrin, speaking for the first time after their greeting.

"I am sorry brother, but I did not know whom to trust. As at then, there was Franklin whom I always had a bad feeling about, and I needed to gather evidence".

Edrin did not say a word after that.

"Haven't we deduced that Verham could be responsible for this? I mean, after all, Franklin said they hatched a plan. This could be it". Said Derrick, another loyal soldier.

Jared shook his head in the negative, "Verham indeed hatched a plan, but that plan collapsed after Franklin's execution because King Roland lost his honor and was killed by Father. There is no one to continue with the plan. Besides, the Verhamian army is not as powerful and persistent as these. I have never seen an army so organized in my entire life".

Kira and Jared [Historical Romance]Where stories live. Discover now