Chapter 2: Outer Space

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Once her and Tommy got to the smoke, they were surprised to see an asteroid. It radiated heat, but wasn't on fire, at least anymore.
As they got closer they saw a figure laying in the rubble. Niki couldn't do anything, so Tommy ran over to him.
They were too far away for Niki to hear what Tommy was saying, but the guy didn't look good. He put his arm around him and brought him over to Niki.
He had dark purple hair and blue eyes. His clothes were kind of burnt (which Niki though was surprising: they should be gone. He should be gone), but he had on a white striped shirt with a pastel blue jacket and tan pants. He looked barely conscious.
"Ow..." slipped out of his mouth.
Niki didn't really know how to help him. She wasn't a doctor. She didn't have any bandages. All she had was some stupid note on her hand.
Then he said something else, and Niki could barely make it out.
"Inside ship, first... aid kit." And then he passed out.
Niki looked over at Tommy, who was just staring at him.
"Tommy!" She yelled to get his attention. His head shot up. "Right, right, right!" He started running towards the asteroid, and Niki noticed some kind of space ship crashed into it.
She could see Tommy struggle a bit as he burned his feet and fingers. From reading his mouth, she could have sworn he had said something along the lines of "Dang asteroid dude..."
Once he came back he held a kind of first aid kit, but it definitely didn't look like something she'd seen before.
It was a kind of blue-purple octagon. It had a language on it that didn't look English, or German. Based on everything about it and the guy, she guessed that they weren't from around here.
"How do we open it?!" Tommy asked in distress.
She looked it over. There was a small handle in the middle, maybe that was it.
"There's some kind of handle. Try that." She told him.
He picked it up and tried the handle. He struggled for a minute before the top flipped off. Tommy rummaged through the kit, and when Niki was watching she realized that the things inside were surprisingly similar to the ones she'd seen.
Tommy took out some bandages and ointment and started treating him. He was surprisingly good at it.
"Hey, where'd you get so good at that?"
He looked up, then back down. "I didn't even realize I started." He said. "I have no clue."

Tommy finished healing the man, but he was still unconscious. Niki hoped there was someone out here that could help them.
Tommy told her that he was going to look for some sticks for a fire since it was getting dark, and try searching for someone who might help them.
"Alright, I'll stay here with this guy. Be safe."
"I will." Then he went into the forest.
It was weird. For some reason she felt like she knew this boy before, even though they had just met. And aside from that, she already saw him as a kind of little brother.
Niki stuck her eyes above water. The man was getting up slowly.
She stuck her entire head up, making him jump.
"You should probably stay there," she said. She dunked her head down for a couple of seconds to get more... air? Water? Whatever. She pulled her head back up. The man looked incredibly confused.
Niki knew how that felt. She only knew her name.
He turned to look at her. "Who're you?" She was surprised to hear that he had a Scottish accent. It wasn't crazy strong, but it was differently there.
"I'm Niki. Kind of all I know right now." She told him.
"Uh, Scott. That's- that's all I remember too." He said. "That, and the fact that I crashed on a ship that I don't remember boarding. And for some reason know where everything is."
Niki dunked her head down for a second, then came back up.
"Why'd you keep doing that?" He asked curiously.
"Apparently I'm a fish. Mermaid, thing." She said. He stared at her. "Yeah, I don't really get it either. I don't remember anything but my name, and I've got this stupid note on my hand."
His eyes lit up. "Can I see it?"
"Uh, sure. But it's kind of faded from the water." She told him. She stuck out her hand and Scott dried it off. It was really uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to say anything.
"What the heck does that mean?" He asked.
"I wish I knew."
Then Tommy ran back screaming and hid behind Scott, ignoring the fact that he was awake.
"Tommy, what's wrong?!"
He took a couple breaths. "It's," he panted. "Some freaking natives or something," he said. "They didn't like me."
Then from the trees, Niki saw three figures. They stepped out, holding some kind of weapons or tools.
Uh oh...

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