Chapter 9: Slime and Construction

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Niki stuck her head up above the water.
She was pretty much back to herself after resting. Which she was happy about: she hated being sick.
When she looked at the camp, she saw that it was covered in a kind of green goo.
"EUCK- WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!" Tommy was yelling while stepping the toes of his shoes outside of the purple tent. Tubno pushed him aside and looked around at the goop, disgusted.
"Can you two ever stop arguing?" Ranboo said tiredly.
Niki touched the goo and found that it was cold and slimey. She saw Scott stepping his way through to the green tent. He went in and she could hear him and Phil talking. Then a flash of movement caught her eye, and she turned her head quickly. She saw something green slip into the bushes.
She quickly got out of the water and quietly sneaked over to the bush. She then opened the bush fast and found a small man.
He was smaller than Fundy and had brown hair. He wore glasses, a white t-shirt and jeans. He had some kind of apple stuck to his head with a stick through it. He was covered in the slime, but he didn't seem bothered by it.
"AH! Um, HI!" he said. He bit his lip and then tried to run away.
"SNEEGGGGGGG!!!!" He yelled as he ran, Niki slipping through the slime. She saw him run into another bush, and when she opened it she found him hiding behind an even smaller man. Like, 2- inches-tall-small. He wore a kind of blue hood with blue sweat pants. He did a face palm and turned around to his friend.
"Charlie, you stupid- UGH! Great. We can't get away now, you idiot."
"I'm sorrryyyyyy!!"
Niki called Phil over, who honestly looked exhausted. He looked down at the two and put his fingers to his temples, like usual.
He stared at Charlie. "Are you the one who slimed our camp?" He said tiredly.
"Um, y-"
His friend shot him a glare.
"No, no of course not! Why- would I ever, do such a thing... ha..."
Phil sighed. "Why?"
His friend pushed him aside and looked up at Phil.
"Where are we, and who are you?"
Phil sighed. "We don't know, I'm Phil and this is Niki. You two are?"
"Sneeg. The idiot is Charlie."
Niki couldn't hide her smile. They were just so small and cute, she couldn't help it.
"Hey lady! What are you smiling for?" Sneeg asked suspiciously.
"Sure." He said sarcastically.
"If you clean up our camp you can stay." Phil said. He just seemed like he wanted to go back to bed.
Charlie looked at Sneeg, who pulled him into a huddle. She could hear slight arguing and protesting until they turned around.

Phil introduced Sneeg and Charlie to the group, who honestly wasn't too surprised anymore. They had started to clean up, while Scott was chopping trees for some reason. Niki got out of the water and asked what he was doing.
"Chopping trees." He said obviously.
"Yeah, but what for? We have plenty of firewood."
He turned to her. "Niki, I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in a tent forever."
"Oh, that makes sense. Need help?"
"Sure." He handed her a spare axe, and she got to work. Maybe there was something she could build under the water to live in.
They chopped for a bit until Niki had to go back into the water. The camp was mostly cleaned up; Charlie had sucked up the slime into him, which Niki officially put on her "Pretty Strange" list. It was getting pretty long.
Poor Phil had yelled to everyone to shut up while he was sleeping, calling the Trouble Trio (as Niki liked to called them), aka Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy some... interesting things, in a dad-ly type way.
Eventually it got dark and everyone went into their tents, except for Sneeg, Charlie and Scott. Sneeg and Charlie were sleeping in a bush for some reason, and Scott was busy building something. Niki didn't know when that guy slept.
Niki closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, thinking about what the next day would bring.

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