Chapter 14: Techno's Nephew

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"Okay, well as you said, we're not from around here." Niki said. "Do you think you can help us get home?"
She hoped he could. She needed to make sure everyone else was okay, and warn them about this "King of the Nether" guy.
Techno thought for a minute. He turned to them and inspected.
"Fine. I can get you through the Nether portal, but then you're on your own."
"Thank yo-" Niki started, but Tommy interrupted.
"Why do you live here, anyways? Why not come to where we're from?"
Techno stared at him, almost longingly.
"I wish I could, but I was stupid and," he paused. "I ate one of those dang pomegranates."
There was silence.
"Isn't there something that contracts the effects? There's no way its permanent." She said.
She didn't want him to be stuck here. That wasn't fair. And he had saved them from the same fate. No way.
"Theres a potion, but it's practically impossible to make. And it doesn't even matter, I don't have anywhere to go in the Overworld."
"Wait! We have a camp, we could convince everyone else to let you in!" Niki said excitedly. If they could make this potion, they could get him out of there with them!
He sighed. "Kid, I'm a lost cause. Plus, I have my nephew to keep in check." He paused. "But you could take Jack."
His nephew? Who was he talking about?
She would ask him later.
"You're not a lost cause. We'll get both of you out. I swear."
He gave up. "Whatever. Its late now anyways, so I'm going to bed." He stood up. "Guest bedroom is the second to the left." And he left up a small set of stairs.
Her and Tommy went to the guest bedroom. It had two small beds with surprisingly clean sheets. It wasn't much, but it was enough for them to sleep.
Niki laid down on the bed. The mattress was kind of hard, especially compared to the sand back home. But that was okay, at least for now.
"Goodnight, Tommy."
"Goodnight Niki."

Niki woke up to the smell of eggs.
Tommy was still fast asleep, and she figured he probably needed it, so she carefully opened the door and slipped out.
When she came down the hallway, Techno was cooking some eggs in a pan. His long pink hair was in a messy bun and he had his black glasses on.
He seemed to notice Niki without even turning around (creepy).
"Good morning." He said blankly.
"Good morning." She said back. She still didn't understand the concept of day and night there, but whatever.
He scooped some eggs onto a plate and handed it to her. Then that was the end of the conversation. While she ate, she tried to come up with a plan.
If they could manage to get whatever ingredients they needed whilst making their way to the portal, they could kill two birds with one stone. But according to Techno, the potion is practically impossible.
She had to be honest: she had no clue what she was doing. She really needed to get back home, to get Tommy back home. Why did she even care about Techno? For all she knew, he could be plotting behind her back.
And yet, she didn't feel that he was. He could have just let them eat that fruit and be stuck for the rest of their lives.
She wasn't used to being the one in charge or trying to come up with a plan. What if she made a wrong move, and something happened to Tommy?
She couldn't let that happen.
"Could you not worry for like, two minutes please? Normally I wouldn't care, but I'm trying to eat." Techno said. She jumped a little bit; she'd been too deep in thought to realize that she had been staring into nothing and hadn't touched her food.
She ate her breakfast, and by then Tommy came out.
Then she got curious about what Techno had said again. "Plus, I have my nephew to keep in check."
"Hey Techno?"
"Hm?" He looked up from a book. She could barely make out the name of the book, because it was so worn from being read over and over again. She was pretty sure it said "The Art of War by Sun Zu".
"You said something last night," she said. "About your nephew?"
He stared at her. "You want to know who he is?"
Tommy nodded violently. She guessed that he had been curious too.
"My nephew is the guy who kidnapped you." He said bluntly, obviously not proud of it. "He's the king of the Nether."

Fins [Book 2]|An Origin SMP Fanfiction| (Shipping and Language Free)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن