Chapter 6: Aquaphobia

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Niki jumped out of the water and ran over to Ranboo, Tommy running along side her. Tubbo was shaking him violently, but he didn't budge. At times a pained groan slipped out of his mouth, but never anything more.
"What the heck is wrong with him?!" Tommy yelled.
"We need to get him and Tubbo inside!" Wilbur yelled over the thunder. Phil, Wilbur, Scott and Tubbo lifted Ranboo off the ground and into the purple tent. Niki couldn't help but follow.
They set him down on the left side of the tent, a pillow under his head.
"Tommy, remember that first-aid kit that was in my ship?" Scott said to
Tommy. He nodded and ran out the tent. Phil was talking to Wilbur, who was examining Ranboo.
"How did you know it was the rain?" She heard Phil ask him.
"He was sizzling like me," he said. "I figured it was the same kind of deal."
Tubbo cut in. "Is he gonna be okay?!"
Wilbur looked up at him. "He'll be fine, don't worry. We just need to get him bandaged up and let him rest." He said. "The pain from the rain takes a lot out of you."
Tubbo nodded and sat next to his friend. "Am I allowed to-"
"Of course you can Tubbo." Wilbur said, not letting him finish.
Tubbo whispered a small "Thank you" and left their conversation there.
Tommy came back in with the octagon-first-aid kit and stuffed it into the hands of Scott.
"I'm not really good at bandaging other people than myself, what about Wilbur?" Scott protested.
Wilbur looked up. "Yeah, I can do it." He said. He looked up at Tommy. "Want to help me?"
Tommy looked confused. "Me?"
"Well yeah." He said bluntly.
"He's really good at it," Niki cut in. "You should Tommy."
Tommy looked between her, then Wilbur, then seemed to give up. "Sure, I guess."
Tommy handed Wilbur the first-aid kit and sat down. Wilbur put the box in between them and opened it up with ease. Tommy rolled his eyes and Niki remembered him struggling to open the box the day before.
Wilbur took out some bandages, then handed a couple to Tommy. Tommy immediately started to wrap up the worst of the burns without hesitation. Wilbur watched in awe as he didn't have to do a thing. Niki silently cheered him on: he might have been an annoying kid, but he felt like a little brother to her and she couldn't help but be proud of him. Then she watched as Wilbur stopped looking confused and started to look proud as well.
Within a couple of minutes, Ranboo was fully bandaged and was looking better with some rest. Tommy sighed and looked up at Wilbur, who just stared at him.
"What?" He said. "Why're you looking at me like that?"
"Where'd you learn to do that?" Wilbur asked curiously.
"What? I barely did anything." Tommy said, confused.
"I was the one who didn't do anything, you just sped through the whole thing."
Tommy looked at Niki. "Well? You were watching, I didn't do anything did I?"
"Tommy, remember when we found Scott and I was in the water?" She asked him.
"Well yeah, what about it."
"I couldn't help him because I didn't know how, and I couldn't come out of the water for long enough." She explained. "You did that."
Tommy didn't say anything. "Anyways, this Ran-boo guy is bandaged up, do you need me for anything else?" Wilbur shook his head and Tommy went to the right side of the tent, laid down with his arms behind his head and closed him eyes.
Niki was starting to feel that sunburn feeling on her body, so she quickly said goodbye and left to the water.

The rain really didn't want to stop. Niki was actually getting kind of frightened; the thunder was ten times louder than it was before, and the lightning was much closer.
Niki could see a tired Ranboo looking out from the entrance to the purple tent. He was looking better than before, but still looked exhausted. She made eye contact by accident and Ranboo gave her a small wave. She waved back and then saw Tubbo in the tent as well. She thought that she could hear him complaining about how wet his wings were, but an angry Tommmy yelled from the other side of the tent.
"THERE ARE NO EARBUDS IN THE FOREST TOO-BBO!" Tommy yelled. Phil came out from the green tent and over to the purple tent.
"What's going on?" He said with his arms crossed. Ranboo backed away into the corner of the tent.
Phil looked like he had a headache and put his fingers to his temples. "No Tommy, you can't. Maybe tomorrow, but it's getting late."
"No Tommy! Now make friends!" Phil said sternly, and Niki was pretty sure that Tommy was crossing his arms.
Phil left and sighed as he went back into the green tent.
"I'm sorry, Tom-ee." Tubbo said.
"Why'd you pronounce my name like that?" Tommy asked, annoyed.
"What'd you mean?" Niki swore that he was holding in a laugh.
"You said it like, Tom-EE, it's Tommy you-"
"Like how Ranboo isn't Ran-boo, and Tubbo isn't Too-bbo?" Tubbo said. Tommy seemed at a loss for words, because he wasn't saying anything. Tubbo laughed, and then Ranboo did, and Tommy joined in.
Niki was glad to see them getting along, but she got the feeling they were going to be extremely chaotic.
It started to get dark and Niki was tired, so she swam to the private place she'd found the last night and closed her eyes. She slowly drifted off to sleep.

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