Chapter 12: The Nether

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Nikis day started like normal, but of course it didn't stay that way for long.
She went to get breakfast. It was a sunny, warm day, and she planned to help Scott make a kind of farm.
Tubbo was casually poking Ranboo with his fork every now and then, and Ranboo would turn and just stare at him, making Tubbo laugh. Wilbur and Phil were talking to each other, some kind of argument about coral. Scott sat with Fundy, teasing him about his height until he stole some of his berries off his plate. Meanwhile Charlie and Sneeg were off having a confusing conversation next to the fire.
She was feeling better than she had two days ago. She still couldn't grasp the idea of her attacking Ranboo or Tommy...
She sat down in the cold, blue water and started to eat. After she finished, Tommy came up to her.
"Hey Niki."
"Hey Tommy, whats up?" She asked. She hadn't seen him all morning.
"I really need to talk to you." He said, not making eye contact. "Can we talk in private?"
Well it must have been bad if he wanted to talk in private, so of course she agreed.
He lead her out into the forest, and she was getting concerned about how far out they were going.
"Tommy, don't you think we're far enough?" She said quietly.
"Just a little bit further." He turned towards her. "Please."
"Alright then..."
Then suddenly he turned around and hit her head with something. It happened so fast that she didn't have time to react, and darkness incased her.

Her head ached.
She was getting really tired of that.
She was in a type of cell. It was insanely hot, and she felt like a thousand suns were beating against her skin. She looked around the cell. It was made of that red brick from the throne room in her dream, and she saw warm, bubbly lava flowing outside one of the openings.
Across from her was Tommy, who was passed out and didn't look so good. His face was pink like he was sick, and sweat was dripping down his face. There was no way either of them would be able to stay in that heat for long.
Niki figured it wasn't Tommy who had kidnapped her. Her guess was that someone took control of him like they had to Niki and forced him to do those things. Which was terrible, but also kind of smart. They must have known that she probably cared for Tommy the most. Not meaning that she didn't care for anyone else; its just that he was like a brother to her.
Tommy groaned. His eyes opened barely and he turned his head around.
"Why is it so freaking hot in here..." he groaned quietly. He opened his eyes more and seemed to realize that he wasn't at the camp.
"Niki? Where-"
"No clue Tommy."
He stopped. He seemed to try to stand up, but ended up muttering a "nope." and sat back down.
"Why're we in jail? Or prison or whatever-" he stopped, as if he'd said something that shook him.
His eyes widened. "Oh, sorry. Just... thinking."
She would have to ask him about that later, but right now her main focus was to get out of there. She got the feeling that figure in the cloaks wasn't exactly friendly.
Just as she was about to get up, a figure came and opened up the cell door.
It was the one from her dream: he wore a blue and black striped shirt and tan shorts. He had an almost bald head and wore... 3d theater glasses? His arms and legs were quite literally on fire, but it didn't seem to bother him.
He held a large spear that could probably go right through someone, so she decided not to get in his bad side. He pointed it outside of the cell, motioning for them to get out.
Niki got up. She had to admit, it was kind of difficult and her head hurt. She looked over at Tommy.
He was kind of struggling. He would end up getting on a foot, but then falling back down. Niki lent him a hand, and he seemed to be alright for the moment.
They followed the man into the room from her dream.
The room felt even drier and hotter than the cell, and Niki honestly just wanted to go and jug some water.
The figure was still sitting in the golden throne, and even though she couldn't see their face, she knew they were grinning.
"Niki Nihachu, and TommyInnit." They said with a smile in their voice. "We meet again."
She had thought they'd meant the dream, and the controlling, but she felt as though there was more to it than that.
"You wouldn't remember me. But thats okay." They said. "Jack, make them at home. They'll be here for a while."
"Yes sir."
"Tommy, Niki." They said. "Welcome to my world."
"Welcome to the Nether."

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