Chapter 15: The Portal

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Well this just got much more interesting.
"You're royal?!" Tommy yelled. Techno put his fingers on his temples.
"This is the exact reason I don't tell people this." He said. 
"Technically speaking, my nephew is only royal because of me."
Niki thought for a moment.
"You're still the same person, you just have a kind of messed up family."
He sighed. She couldn't tell if he was tired or relieved.
"Let's move on." He said, and that was the end of the subject.

"Got everything?"
Niki nodded. All three of them had small backpacks on, filled with supplies. They were going home.
"Before we go, you need to realize what we're doing." Techno said. "The portal is inside the castle. It shouldn't be hard to find, but it will be heavily guarded."
"You said we're taking Jack?" She asked. She only knew that Jack was his man on the inside. Wouldn't it be a better advantage to keep him there?
"Yes. He's been there his whole life. He deserves to see the world." Techno said. He didn't seem to be a man to show emotion, but she guessed that he wanted the best for Jack.
"What about the potion?" She hated to ask so many questions, but Techno was patient enough.
"There's a page somewhere in my potions book with the ingredients and instructions. But like I said, it's practically impossible and a waste of time."
He directed her to a bookshelf next to his chair. She searched through silently while Tommy stared at Techno, obviously still holding on to the royalty subject. Techno didn't slip a word.
Finally, she found it. It was red and worn, with golden writing on it.

Sir Billiam The III

Research of the Nether: Vol. 1

She quickly flipped through the old pages until she found it. There wasn't much.

Nether Pomegranate

Cure is practically impossible due to South Piglin tribe holding all the glowstone dust. Best way to relieve it of their possession is bribery with gold.

Two potions of harming.

Hoglin wiskers.

Finally, blaze powder.

Mix ingredients in small sized cauldron for twenty minutes. Cure will be finished and once taken the user will pass out for 30 minutes, then be free to travel to the overworld.

Glowstone dust, two potions of harming, hoglin whiskers, and blaze powder. Niki didn't even know what half of that stuff was.
"Ready to go?" Techno asked. He was tapping his foot impatiently.
"Yup." Niki said. If this "King of the Nether" guy was, well, a king, he was probably rich. So he probably had some of that, right?
Niki walked over to Techno and Tommy.
"Just follow my lead, and don't do anything stupid." Techno said, and they put their plan in motion.

They hiked for what felt like hours. Niki's legs were burning, and her forehead was sweating, but she kept going. Tommy was complaining, but he knew his limits. Techno barely stopped other than to check that they were going in the right direction, and for guards. Once Niki started to see the large castle, Techno took a turn.
"Where are we going?" She asked him.
"Meeting with Jack. Now don't make a sound."
They kept walking until they reached a small hut. It was made of the same materials as the castle, dark bricks and stones. Inside, there wasn't much. There was only a table made of some strange wood, with a couple chairs.
Someone peeked over a corner, and when he saw it was Techno, he sighed in relief and came out.
He had short brown hair and wore what looked like theater 3d glasses. He had on a blue and black striped shirt and tan shorts, and his hands and feet were covered in literal fire. Niki recognized him as the man Techno said was his spy.
"Techno, thank goodness. I got your message."
"I can tell. Now down to business." Techno said bluntly as he sat in one of the chairs.
"He's mad. Like, really mad. Last I heard, he's planning an attack." Jack said.
"On the overworld?!" Niki cut in. She didn't mean to, but if he got to her friends...
"Yes, but I don't know when." Jack said, not minding that she interrupted him.
"We need to go these two back. You're going with them."
Jack looked visibly shocked. "What?! I can't go there, you need me here, and that place is-"
"I bet you he's already caught on. And the overworld is nice. You don't deserve to live here, now listen up."
Jack seemed to know not to mess with it, but he didn't seem happy.
Techno went on about the plan, but Niki could barely think straight. What if he had Wilbur, or Scott? Or Phil? Tubbo and Ranboo?
"Niki, we're leaving." Techno said. The four of them started walking to the castle.
Techno elbowed a window and snuck them in. They had broken into some kind of lab.
Thats when she remembered; the potion.
Techno was beginning to walk out of a door, but she stopped him.
"The stuff for that potion might be here." She said. For the first time, she swore she saw a mix of sadness and hope in his eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
"Kid, we don't have time for that." He said.
"But we do. It looks like this is an old one, that hasn't been used in a while." She pointed out.
Jack nodded in agreement. "It hasn't. I say let her go for it."
Tommy nodded violently. Techno didn't have a choice.
Niki told them what they were looking for, and they managed to find the ingredients needed. It seemed like it was going too well.
Niki mixed it in a cauldron. She tapped her feet, wishing it would go faster.
"Hold on." Niki said, realizing what she had forgotten.
"What?" Tommy asked curiously, with a sense of hesitation.
Niki looked back through the page.
"The user passes out for thirty minutes."
"What?!" Techno said loudly.
"I-I forgot! It hadn't seemed important when I first read it!" Niki said quickly.
"Oh no." Jack said.
"How far away is the portal?" Tommy asked Jack.
"I think its down the hallway, we could probably make it."
"Probably?!" Techno said again.
"Lets just focus on that problem when we get there." Niki said.
As the potion brewed, Niki hoped everything would work. It had to.
The potion finished. Niki poured it into a small glass bottle and handed it to Techno. He hesitated.
Then he looked at Niki, stared her in the eyes, and said quietly.
"Thanks, kid."
He took the potion, and managed to keep upright. The three of them helped him, and they all made an attempt to get to the portal.
They managed to pick the lock, and got in.
The portal was large and the outline was made of a dark stone. In the middle was swirling purple that made Niki dizzy.
"Come on!" Jack yelled. Banging started on the door.
Niki pushed them all through the portal, and hopped through herself. She felt so dizzy that it made her want to throw up and pass out.
Then, everything went dark.

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