Chapter 4: Camp

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Luckily their camp wasn't far and there was water on the way, otherwise Niki wasn't sure what she would have done.
"We're here," Phil said.
It was in a break of the forest. There were three tents, one blue, one red and one green. There was an unlit campfire in the middle of the tents. It wasn't much, but it was more than nothing.
Phil turned to the ghost-like man. "Can you find them a place to stay?"
He nodded, and then Phil left into the green tent.
The ghost turned to them. "I don't think we've had a proper chance to introduce ourselves," he said. "I'm Wilbur, Wilbur Soot. I'm afraid that's all I know about myself at the moment."
That was weird. No one seemed to remember who they were. But why?
"Um, maybe we can introduce ourselves after we find a place to set down our friend here? And I can get some water?" Niki slipped out. Her throat was really dry.
"Oh, right." Wilbur lead them over to the ocean: apparently their camp was right next to it. Niki and Tommy set Scott down, and Niki jumped into the water. She felt that nice burst of relief hitting the water.
"So you're a mermaid?" He asked her. He looked genuinely curious, even though he was friends with a bird and a fox.
"I guess so. I'm Niki, that's-"
"I'm Tommy, aka the manliest of everyone here!" Tommy cut her off. His wings flapped a bit, as of he was excited. Scott made a kind of annoyed groan, then turned his head towards Wilbur.
"I'm Scott, nice to meet you."
Wilbur laughed. "Nice to meet you too Scott. Anyways, how did you three get here?"
The three of them exchanged looks. "Uh, still not too sure about that." Niki told him.
"I think I came in a spaceship." Scott said bluntly.
"Well, I guess we're all in the same boat." Wilbur said. He pointed over to the fox-man, who was eating some berries off a bush nearby. "That's Fundy. Sorry if he comes across as rude, he's just... Fundy."
Fundy, Wilbur and Phil. What a bunch.
Not like Niki, Tommy and Scott were much better.
"Well I can try to make you guys a tent for the night, it'll start getting dark soon and I get the feeling we shouldn't be out when that happens."
"Why?" Tommy asked.
"It just gives me bad feelings, take my word for it." He said, and then he went off into the red tent.

Tommy, Scott and Niki had spend some time talking. They didn't really have much to talk about, considering that they only knew their names, but they had fun. The sun was setting, and Wilbur came over to them. Niki saw that there was now a purple tent next to the other ones. How Wilbur got another tent, she had no idea, but she wasn't going to question it.
"The tent is up and its getting dark, so you guys might want to get in." He said. "Niki, I know you're a mermaid, so I hope you don't mind sleeping in the water?"
Niki nodded. "I like it more here anyways."
Wilbur, Tommy and Scott walked over to the purple tent, but then something happened.
Niki watched as a green and black creature approached Tommy and Wilbur. It started hissing, and Tommy stared at it. It was as if Tommy couldn't move.
Wilbur ran in front of him and shielded him with his arms. The explosion wasn't big, but it still flew them back a bit.
Tommy was frozen, as in he almost looked like he was in his own world.
"Tommy? Tommy!" Wilbur was shaking him. Suddenly he seemed to be snapped into existence again.
He stared at Wilbur. He almost looked like he was going to cry. He didn't say anything.
Wilbur turned to Scott and Niki.
"I think I'm going to have him stay in my tent tonight..."
Niki was surprisingly okay with it. Wilbur gave her protective-big-brother vibes, towards both her and Tommy.
He carefully lead Tommy to the blue tent and zipped it up. He was completely quiet, his chaotic personality gone. Scott gave her a kind of nervous look for Tommy and then zipped up the purple tent.
Niki decided to ask Tommy about it tomorrow. She probably needed to sleep even though she was worried for him, and she figured he needed some rest.

Yeah, sleeping wasn't happening.
The water wasn't right to sleep in, at least not yet. She wasn't used to it.
She decided to take a walk around the camp. She couldn't help but peek into the tents.
Phil was asleep, but there were crows in his tent. Why, she had no idea, but when she opened the tent, their heads stuck up and stared at her, so she quickly moved on.
Fundy was curled up in the red tent, sleeping like a fox would, in a kind of ball. He kind of muttered when she unzipped it, so she left him too.
She peeked into Wilbur's tent. Wilbur was sitting up, asleep, with Tommy asleep on his shoulder. It wasn't romantic in any kind of way, it was more of a brotherly love, and Niki found it adorable.
She zipped the tent back up and peeked into the purple tent, but it was empty. She looked around confusingly, until she saw Scott laying down in the grass, looking up at the stars.
"Couldn't sleep?" He said, not looking away from the night sky.
"Yeah.." She said. She hopped into the water next to him so she could be more comfortable.
"Me neither." He said. "I like the stars."
Niki looked up at the sky. It was filled with little white dots and a bright moon that reflected on the water.
"I can see why."
He pointed at a group of stars. "That's the little dipper." He pointed to a line of three stars. "And that's Orion's belt."
Scott explained to her about the different stars and constellations, including their stories. He even sometimes pointed out shapes in the clouds.
They had fun, and eventually Niki started to drift off. She said goodnight to Scott and swam over to a more private part of the water and drifted off to sleep.

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