Chapter 5: Yellow and Black

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Niki woke up to yelling.
Which wasn't how she liked to start her day, but it was too late now. Niki poked her head out of the water to see what was going on.
Fundy was yelling at two people by the edge of the camp.
One was a bit taller than him with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore an oversized sweater that was yellow and brown striped, like a bumble bee. He had small insect-like wings on his back.
The other was crazy tall. He reminded her of the creatures she had seen lurking last night while trying to sleep. They hadn't harmed anyone, so she had just left them alone and they did the same. He had black skin, like the night sky, and vibrant purple eyes. He wore a kind of royal outfit with a purple cape and a golden crown.
The bee-man was standing there while his tall friend tried to negotiate with Fundy. He wasn't having it.
"Sanctuary?! No way! We've already let three strangers into our camp, no way another two are staying!" He yelled.
"Please, we just-"
Tommy barged out of the blue tent, looking for who he needed to yell at. He saw the figures and Fundy and matched over.
"What the heck?!" He yelled.
Fundy turned to him. "Go back to your tent, kid."
"Kid?! I'm twice your size!"
The pair stared as Tommy glared at Fundy, then turned to them.
"Hello, who the heck may you two be?" Tommy said. He said it calmly, but in that annoying calm voice. Good to see that he was better from last night, which Niki was still curious about.
"Um, well I'm-" the tall one started, but his friend interrupted him.
"I'm Tubbo, and this is Ranboo!"
Tommy stared at Tubbo blankly, as if this boys energy was unusual to him. Then he looked up at Ranboo.
"Why are you so freaking tall, Ran-boo?" He said kind of in a violent-rude way, but that was Tommy.
"Um, I don't- I don't know?"
Niki got out of the water and walked over to the four of them.
"Hi, I'm Niki, nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand, to which Ranboo tried to shake it, but he pulled away his hand quickly. Instead Tubbo shook it.
"Hi Niki, I'm Ranboo, and this is my friend Tubbo." He said.
"Nice to meet you Ranboo and Tubbo. Mind if I ask why you're here?" She asked.
"We kind of don't know... where we are?" Ranboo said.
No one does.
"Thats okay," she assured him. She turned to Fundy, who was fuming. "Fundy, how about you go get Phil?"
He grunted and left to the green tent.
"Sorry about him." She said.
"Its okay, we did come into your camp." Ranboo said.
Phil came over to the four of them and looked between Ranboo and Tubbo.
"Who's this?" He asked Niki. Niki turned to them, motioning for them to introduce themselves.
"Oh, I'm Ranboo and this is Tubbo." He said.
Phil looked at Niki, then Tommy, and then to Ranboo and Tubbo.
"Can I take a guess and say that neither of you remember anything?" He asked calmly. Phil seemed to give off a kind of "Dad-of-the-group" feeling.
Ranboo stared at him. "How'd you know?" Tubbo asked.
Phil sighed. "No one does. Come on," he said. He lead Tubbo and Ranboo over to Wilbur and they started talking. Niki took the moment to talk to Tommy.
"Hey Tommy?" She asked quietly.
"Yeah, whats up?"
She convinced him to come over to the water so that she could talk without feeling like her whole body was covered in sunburns.
"So?" Tommy asked.
"What happened last night?" She asked him. She tried to be as understanding as possible. It just worried her.
"What do you mean?"
She paused. "When that thing blew up, you just kind of... froze."
He stopped. He looked less like an annoying kid and more worried.
"Um, I'm not really.. sure? It was like I- I had heard the hiss before and it was connected to something bad. Like really, really bad, and I just-" he stopped. "Sorry."
It worried her when his chaotic personality disappeared. It just wasn't right.
"It's okay Tommy," she said in her nicest voice. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
He laughed. "PFFFT, Niki-Fish-Lady, I'm always okay! I'm the biggest man of any of you, a green hissy thing isn't gonna bring me down!"
There he is.
The clouds that had been approaching in the morning had finally reached their camp, and with a rumble of thunder large raindrops started to fall. They made ripples in the water and lightning flashed that reflected off the water.
A drop of water hit Tommy right on the head, causing him to curse the sky.
Niki laughed until she saw Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur struggling. Ranboo and Wilbur were almost sizzling, like it was acid, and Tubbo looked miserable. Tubbo saw his friend in pain and ran over to him. He tried to cover him with his small wings, but Ranboo was so tall it didn't seem to work. Phil came over to Wilbur and put one of his wings over his head.
Ranboo really didn't look good, and it only took a moment before he collapsed.

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