My Fiesty Kudi!

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Second part of 'Savouring the Sandwich'
Accelerating the Bike, I felt the air around me getting more denser and thick slapping on my face through the thin slits available on my helmet, along with making my denim jacket flow around with it.

Slowing it down towards the designated destination I let myself stop in front of our Campus, slapping the back of my friend in process.

"Oyye!" The other friends of mine chuckled a bit looking at Ali who was glaring daggers at me.

"Guys, It's really unfair!" Ali protested huffing in annoyance while a smirk made it's way onto my face at his upcoming fit.

"I am always the one getting tortured, while he is always a Hero after torturing me like hell!!" Ali exasperated folding his hands in front of me while I removed my helmet from my head getting down off my bike.

"Awle meri Raani ko ghusaa aayaa!!" I pouted a bit at him while trying hard to suppress my laugh and pulled Ali by his shoulder.

He is always the cry baby of our group always ready to whine even when not required but that's what makes him stand out the most in our circle.

Ali looked onto the other side annoyed by my usual banters mostly targeted on him "Arree Ali!!" I kept my helmet on the bike and stood beside Ali who was denying to face towards me.

"Tu meri jaan hai, tujhe nhi toh kisse mai sataungaa ab tu hi bataa!!" This time I spoke genuinely clearly to pacify him.

I can't tolerate my buddie being upset by me.

To whom I would tease later on?!!!

I shook off that terrible thought of missing to trouble Ali.

God please don't ever let me witness that day!!

I shook that thought off my head and concentrated on the present matter!!

But Before I could utter another word I heard a fleet of notion going around on the gate of campus opposite of us.

"Ay How dare you to say that huh?" I ran there near the crowd to see 4 to 5 boys circling around another boy who was standing straight yet was trembling slightly at the scene unfolding the way he didn't expected.

It made me amused at his reaction to their simple words..I mean don't get me wrong.. He is 6 ft tall has a body to die for and as well good looking... Well looks doesn't matters but his strength can easily help him fight back to them..

And I surely know who this is... he is the nerd of our class the most caring person...Yeah

"I- I didn't meant it that way!" The Boy under others threat spoke while the they just glared at him.

I stepped forward to know what's the situation but was pushed roughly by someone from behind. Stumbling on my legs to my right I held one guy's shoulder and steadied myself to scold the person who had such an interest to watch the on-going show even by pushing others.

I turned around and saw a short person gushing into the crowd making their way to the center of attention.

"Stay away from my Bhai !!" A very feminine voice spoke and I looked on confused.

"I heard what he said...don't you dare to turn his words in a crooked way!!" Spoke the fiery girl fuming in rage raising her fists in their direction as if to punch them but stopped mid action afraid to hit the bad guys who were elder than her as well too taller.

The girl pushed past boys who easily obliged amused the same way I am!!

I stepped forward a bit trying to push past the students standing in front of me to have a better view of that kid.

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