Chapter 20

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Starlight's pov

I was unsure about going down to the dinning hall, even if it was with Rogue but he was insistent that I needed to eat something. I walked alongside him, stepping closer when a few people gave me looks. Rogue must have noticed.
"Don't worry. My friends aren't as judgemental as these guys" I nod in response, smiling nervously. We reach the hall, lots of different smells hitting me at once and mixing together. I cover my nose.
"This place stinks"
"It doesn't. You're just picking up on all the smells at once. We can fix that with some training" he looks around the room before his gaze lands on a table. I recognise Sting who's waving across the room at us. I raise my shoulders to my ears. Rogue links our hands together and approached the table. 
"Rogue. How are you feeling?" Sting teased, raising his eyebrows one at a time.
"I'm fine" he grumbled, sitting at the table. I took a seat next to him.
"Sting told us that you got really drunk last night" the green haired guy laughed. 
"Only a little" he objected, leaning back into his chair.
"A little? You could barely walk on your own" Sting joined in laughing. Rogue slipped down in his chair, glaring at the wall across from us. The white haired girl across from me spoke up.
"Ignore those two. I'm Yukino Agria" she introduced, extending her hand. I looked at it for a second.
"Just Starlight?" she asks, tilting her head. I lower mine.
"Ummm. No" I mumble, looking down at the table.
"She's related to Gajeel Redfox" Sting speaks up. Rogue reaches over me towards Sting.
"Really. You're related to one of Fairy tail's stronger members" she asks really loudly. I lower my body and pull up the shirt I'm wearing to hide my face. I didn't want to be associated to him like that. 
"That doesn't matter. Lets just order food"
"Did you guys get busy under the sheets last night too?" I lowered the top to look at who spoke.
"Sting if you don't stop talking, I'm throwing you out the nearest window" Rogue threatened before lifting up a menu. He looked over it then pushed it towards me. I looked between him and the menu.
"Go on. Order something" he insisted. I picked up the menu and looked at it. I finally chose some pancakes. Rogue took note of what I'd picked out and was the one to ask the waiter for my order. I lifted my legs up into a cross basket. 
"So when does your little bed buddy plan on heading back to Fairy tail anyway" Orga asks, looking over at me and making some kind of face. Sting's eyebrows lowered then sprung back up.
"Oh that's right. I forgot" Rogue gave him a glare. He looked back at Rogue then to the others.
"Starlight's joining the guild" he announces. All three of them yell. Rogue groans, massaging his temples with his fingers.
"Sting. You do realise someone can't join a new guild without leaving their old one. And your new 'recruit' still has her old guild mark" the long blond gestures to the guild mark on my shoulder which I look at.
"I can get it removed if that works" I offer.
"You'll need to tell your former guild master that you're leaving" he explains. 
"Oh" I mumble. I wasn't up to walking into the guild hall and saying to everyone that I was leaving because of a guy I just met. Rogue seemed to pick up on my discomfort.
"We can wait a bit before we do anything final like changing guilds. Let you decide how you feel about Sabertooth first" he offers. I nod. That was comforting. I didn't need to think about what everyone would say just yet. The food arrived. I looked at Rogue who gave me an encouraging smile.
"Eat as much as you can manage" he picks up his cutlery and begins to eat his own food. I nod, picking up mine and cutting into the first pancake.

Walking the shadows(Rogue Cheney x oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now