Chapter 1

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Rogue's pov

I walked alone down the streets of Crocus. Well no. I wasn't alone. I had Frosch with me but that was it. No Sting. No Sabertooth. I needed some alone time after that labyrinth. Almost all the shops were closed except some all nighter shops and a couple bars. Didn't really surprise me, it was after Midnight by now. Frosch yawned, tail swishing drowsily. I pet his head which he leaned into happily, eyes closed. Maybe it was about time I got back to the Inn. I made a turn down one road which had a few shops that a lot of drunkers and drug addicts spent time on. It had a lot of hidden corners where people could sell drugs and this street had a lot of shops that sold various kinds of alcohol. I looked to both sides. I didn't want Frosch getting hurt in such an unsafe part of Crocus. I would never forgive myself. I sped up slightly, not really paying attention to where I was walking until I ran right into someone. I stumbled, trying to turn to the side after running into them, only to fall instead because I'd already been hit with the impact. I heard a smash followed by
"Shit" when the other person hit the ground. I opened my eyes and looked around. Frosch was on the ground, whimpering slightly as he looked around. I reached out and pulled him close. Once I knew Frosch was safe, I looked up at who I'd ran into. The person I'd ran into was currently pushing themselves back onto their knees, blood dripping from one hand and a smashed bottle on the ground.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there" I mumbled, fiddling with my Cape. Whoever I ran into was clearly a drunk. They smelled strongly of booze. They turned to me, red eyes meeting mine and a large bunch of messy black hair that had blue weaved into it fell over one side of her face, slightly tangled. The other side was growing out although it had been cut back quite a lot so it looked very unkempt with the way it hung slightly over her ear. Her eyes, although already a red colour looked strangely bloodshot and her hands were shaking and she looked tired. I didn't make any move to help her but I also didn't just get up and walk away. She was hurt but I didn't want to get to close, at least not with Frosch. I guessed she wasn't part of a guild but then again, it's possible. I wouldn't be able to see her guildmark anyway with the large hoodie that she was wearing.
"Do you need help?" I asked cautiously. Her eyes flicked back and forth before resting on me.
"No. I'm fine" she slurred. Drunk. She was drunk. She stumbled to her feet, hands still shaking. I stood.
"I don't know. You don't seem alright. Your hand is pretty badly injured" I pointed out, reaching a hand to touch her. She tried to step away from me quickly but instead tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground.
"Maybe I can help you to your home or Inn then" I offered. I couldn't just leave her here like this. She snorted.
"I don't need your help" she slurred, hands still shaking and legs wobbling slightly. I looked down at Frosch. He had fallen asleep, curled up in my arm. I made sure I had a tight grip on him with one hand and walked forward, pulling this girl's arm over my shoulders.
"So where do you live? Or if your staying in an Inn, where's the Inn?" I asked.
"I'm with the fairies" she laughed, eyes lazily falling to the ground before looking back up again.
"Oh. Your a member of Fairy tail" I mumbled.
"I guess" she slurred. I raised an eyebrow. She guesses. What does that mean? I lead her down the roads to the hotel that I remember Fairy tail was staying at. It was pretty quite.
"Is anyone you know in there?" I asked. In the state she was in, it wasn't best to leave her alone to go to her room. She snorted.
"Gajeel's probably at a pub with everyone else. I don't need them anyway" she slurred, trying to get away from me. I gripped onto the back of her hoodie. I walked into the hotel, going up to the desk. The cleric looked up, blinking at me.
"Is anyone from Fairy tail here?" I asked.
"Umm yes sir. They are in their rooms" she replied.
"Is Gajeel Redfox here?" I asked. She nodded.
"Could you call him down and watch this young lady?" I asked.
"Yes sir" she agreed. I left her on a chair in the reception before melding into the shadows, traveling back to the Sabertooth in that way.

Walking the shadows(Rogue Cheney x oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now