Lauren/You: Jealous & Cheating

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A/N; This one shot was requested so I'm gonna do it. :) it's basically two combined into one so I hope you enjoy it!

You never understood the saying 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' until a few months ago. Lauren, along with the other girls, was on tour with ALL guys. One of them being the oh so great Bradley Simpson. He had the biggest crush on Lauren and he had recently gotten closer to her, making the harmonizers create speculations about their relationship. They didn't know about you and her, so of course they assumed Lauren was in the market for a new boyfriend. You let your mind wander, thinking about all the things you had seen on Twitter. They did seem to be getting closer, way too close for your liking. The phone rang, making you jump slightly, before picking it up and placing it against your ear to hear the person on the other end. "No Camz, I can't tell Y/N. She'll freak out and think I'm doing cheating on her with Brad." You discovered Lauren had accidentally dialed you, but you weren't going to hang up. You listened closely, the microphone on her cell getting muffled slightly as she shifted around. "Lolo, you have to tell her. Brad is just gonna keep thinking you want him and he'll try to kiss you again. You can't ruin what you have by her finding out from paparazzi and tabloids that Brad has been pulling moves on you all week." Camila's voice rung it your ear, your fist automatically clenching as you shouted Lauren's name. "What was that?" Lauren questioned, shuffling around and muffling the sound. A few seconds later her ear was pressed against the phone, waiting for you to say something. "Y/N?" She spoke after a few seconds of slience, but you weren't so relaxed. "So fucking Bread has being trying moves on you ALL week huh, Laur? It's really messed up how that fuckboy doesn't understand how to stay the fuck away from you. I'm getting a flight to Cali and I'll be there in a few hours. Tell Brad to watch his back." You spat into the receiver before hanging up and running up stairs to pack. 20 minutes later, you were packed and heading out the door to catch your flight which was in 40 minutes. You arrived at the airport 20 minutes later and you checked in before settling down in a seat to wait. You took your seat on the plane, resting your head against the window, with Lauren and Camila's conversation still ringing in your head. You didn't understand how Lauren could've kept that from you. Maybe she was cheating but didn't admit it to Camila, knowing she'd tell you immediately. You sighed, contemplating all of the ideas and thoughts that ran through your head during your long journey to California.

4 hours later, you had arrived at the hotel the girls were staying at. You made your way inside, getting info on what room was Lauren's. You took the elevator up to the 4th floor, knocking on the door of room 432 and waiting patiently for someone to open the door. You heard running and a mumbled 'I got it!' before the door revealed the dark hair and pale skin you came to love. Her eyes widened, her mouth opening slightly as she scanned you over to make sure you were actually there. "Y/N. I didn't think you were actually.. Um you know come down here because of Brad." You rolled your eyes at his name, scoffing slightly as you pushed past Lauren to go inside the room. "Yeah I was serious, Laur. I need answers and I need them ASAP." You say yourself down on the couch after pushing your suitcase against the wall. She nodded, closing the door and making her way over to where you were. She sat down beside you, but you wiggled away so she couldn't touch you. You saw her face drop after you moved but for all you know she could be cheating on you with Bread. "So I would like to know why Breadboy thinks it is okay to flirt with you. I thought you told him we were dating?" You narrowed your eyes at her, raising your eyebrow slightly as you waited for her answer. All she did was shake her head and mumble an 'I'm sorry.' You chuckled sarcastically, rolling your eyes, and removing yourself from where you were sat. "Wait. I didn't tell Brad that we were together, but I swear to you I didn't flirt with him or kiss him when he tried to get me to. I know how to treat someone, Y/N." Her voice broke, a tear rolling down her left cheek as she gasped for a breath of air. You shook your head lightly, regretting this trip. "You know, Lauren, I trust you. But Twitter had shown me that maybe I shouldn't. I've seen the pictures. You and Brad are very close for people who are 'just friends.'" You lifted your fingers in the air, putting air quotes around your words. She started to sob, pulling on your pants leg and holding onto you thigh tightly. "Please, babe. You have to believe me when I say I have done nothing with Brad. Let's go to his room and tell him we're dating right now. It'll solve this whole mishap and then we can be happy again." Her tears soaked through your jeans and onto your skin as you stroked the back of her head softly. "Okay let's go then." She slowly removed herself from your leg, stood up and grabbed your hand making you way out of the door. You rode the elevator up 3 floors, stopping when you reached the 7th floor. You searched for brads room, and when you found it, you banged hard on the door. "Open up Bread." You shouted, the door opening seconds later to reveal Brad in only his boxers. "Oh hey Laur." He said in his thick British accent making you grip her hand a bit tighter. "Hey Brad. Um.. Can we come in for a second?" He nodded quickly, the breeze from outside of the room making him shiver. "So what's up?" He asked, clasping his hands together and taking a seat on the unmade bed. "Well, me and Y/N, we.. Well we're together. And I'd really appreciate it, along with Y/N if you'd stop flirting with me and trying to make a move on me. It's disrespectful and if you don't stop, I'll get the road manager involved and then this tour will be over for you." You sat in awe of what Lauren had just spoken, not aware that she could be that rude. "Well, I'm very sorry if you felt disrespected Y/N, and I had no clue you were with Lauren. I'll stay away." He spoke, his sarcasm evident in his voice. "Okay, Bread. You can kindly fuck off or I'll beat your ass personally. No one asked for you to be on this tour and all I have to do is get Camila to butter up Austin and get you and your little buddies removed from this tour. Got it?" You stood up abruptly, throwing the chair back and making it land on the ground before you exited his room and made your way with Lauren to elevator. Arriving back at Lauren's room, you guys wasted no time on making up, then falling asleep in each other's embrace.
A/N; OKAY. That one was actually really fun to write BC I enjoy calling Brad Fuckboy and Bread. Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote and add this story to your library in order to know when I update! Also follow me on Instagram for some awesome ass posts of the girls and if you follow me on Twitter I'll DM your user to Mani cause she follows me!
Instagram- goddamndinah 💋
Twitter- kordeiislay 💋

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