Normani/You: School Girl Crush

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A/N; Im doing a camren one shot after this one ! im excited about it tbh. Anyways, enjoy this one shot. (:

There goes Normani waltzing down the hall with your friend Dinah on her left and Camila on her right. You were taking in her apperance, your eyes roaming from her slender legs all the way up to her torso that was showing due to the fact that she wore a crop top. Her sparkling personality and charisma intimidated you, but didn't stop you from trying to talk to her. You we're in love with Normani, but she was unfortunately with Arin; the star quarterback of your school. You rolled your eyes at the thought. It was cliché considering Normani was head cheerleader along with Camila and Ally who we're co captains of the squad. The trio of friends made their way over to you and greeted you each with a hug. You hugged Normani last, taking in the scent of the perfume you bought her a few months ago for her birthday. "I smell the perfume I bought you. You like it, eh?" She smirked at you while nodding and kissed your cheek lightly before pulling away from the hug. You reluctantly let go, your skin burning from where her lips had just made contact. "It smells amazing. Why wouldn't I wear it? Also, you got it for me and you're very special." she smiled, her white teeth and dimples enough to make you faint. Your cheeks turned a slight tint of red, her confession making you smile like a kid on Christmas day. "Thanks, Mani. You're special to me, too." she kept smiling before waving goodbye to meet up with Arin in front of his locker. "Hoii, dawg. You gotta control yoself. I mean I don't get why you don't just tell her?" you groaned, swinging open your locker in frustration. You guys had this conversation just last week, obviously getting nowhere. "Yeah and say what? 'Oh Normani, I'm in love with you.' No thanks. Besides, she's got Arin. They seem happy and that is all I want for her." You sighed and threw your Chemistry book into your bookbag and zipped it up. "Tell her, Y/N. She doesn't even like Arin that much anymore. She cries all the time because he's such an ass to her. Tell her and get your girl." you turned to face Camila. "Camila?" you asked, hoping for her input. "I agree with Dinah. She obviously isn't happy so you should tell her and make her happy." she shrugged and grabbed Dinah's arm before walking away to go to History. You shut your locker and went to Chemistry, a class you shared with Normani and Arin. You walked briskly to class to ensure you weren't late. You sat in you seat and opened up your notebook to write down the notes that were on the board. The teacher had turned off the lights so the notes projected on the screen could be seen better. You heard whispering and giggling come from beside you and when you turned to look, your eyes widened immensely with what you saw. Arin had his arm wrapped around a random girl on the volleyball team while his tongue was down her throat. You turned away hoping Normani wasn't seeing this. You scanned the room, you eyes falling on Normani who was napping ontop of her desk, her sweater tucked under her as a pillow. You let out a sigh of relief but whipped out your phone to take a picture of this. There was two lamps in the back illuminating Arin and the girl, so you snapped the picture quickly before sending it to Dinah, Camila, Ally, and Lauren in a mass text. Your text read THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. with the picture attatched you pressed send. A few minutes later, the lights were back on and the kissing has stopped between the two. You began to pack up as your phone buzzed. Normani was awake now, walking over to you to pick up your phone. "Normani wait!" You tried to grasp for you phone, but it was too late. Her eyes fell on the picture and her tears began to cascade down her cheeks. She set your phone down and ran out of the classroom, not bothering to look back at you. You ran after her but it was no use. She left quickly from the school parking lot, but you decided against running after her. You instead met up with the girls to discuss the issue you had on your hands.
A few hours later, you and the girls were sprawled about in your room trying to figure out how to solve the problem. "Mani hasn't called or texted any of us. We need to get back at Arin ASAP." Dinah was always one for revenge on people, especially ones who hurt her friends. "No, Dinah. We need to address this differently. Violence is not the answer." Ally tried, but you could tell she was just as pissed as everyone else in the room. "Okay, well. Me and Camz can go over there right now if you want us to. Okay babe?" she questioned, looking over to Camila who was eating gummy worms and playing with Lauren's hair. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. We can go over to Mani's." she smiled a bit, lacing her fingers between Lauren's. You nodded your head, Dinah and Ally agreeing. "Okay let's go." she pulled on Camila's hand, making their way out of your house and saying their goodbyes before the went to Normani's. "I'll try to call her again." you mumbled, doubting the idea would work but it was worth a shot. The phone rung three times before the familiar voicemail tone echoed in your ear. "Hey it's Normani. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone. I'll get back to you ASAP. Bye." the voicemail gretting clicked off then beeped so you could record your message. "Normani, Please answer. The girls and I have been trying to get ahold of you since you left school. Call me or text me back please." you pressed the end button and tossed your phone onto the nightstand beside your bed. "No luck?" Ally asked, but you just shook your head in response. Your heart felt shattered, you wanted to comfort Normani so bad but you had no idea how to. "Don't worry, dawg. Normani will answer soon." You nodded, your eyes shedding tears while Dinah craddled you in her lap. You hoped she would respond, but you were doubtful she would.
Two weeks passed and there was no sign of Normani. She hadn't shown up for school or dance classes, according to Dinah. You were worried but you knew Mama Dre was keeping a close eye on her. You made your way to History class, one of the many classes you shared with Normani. You walked into the class and sat down hoping that this class would pass by quickly so you could go visit Normani. Class ran by slowly but soon ended making you sprint out of the class to your car. You drove carefully, the rain getting heavier by the minute. You got out of your car, the rain soaking you as you made your way up the steps to Normani's house. You knocked on her door impatiently, And seconds later your eyes met hers, the bags evident that she hadn't slept in a few days. "Y/N?" she whispered, her voice raspy but oh so soothing. "Why haven't you called? Your mom said you were sick so I figured you'd be coming back to school soo, but I haven't seen you in two weeks." Her eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips, sparking mometarily before she traced them back to gaze into your eyes once again. "I.. I was gonna call. I just, this whole thing with Arin made me realize something. It made me realize that the whole time I've been with Arin, I've really been in love with someone else." your heart sped up, but also sinked because you knew it couldn't be you. "Well, I hope that person makes you happy." you stated a bit harshly, walking away slowly, only to be met with her tugging on your wrist with her hand. "Wait." she pulled you around to face her, and when you did, she smiled that award winning smile before wrapping her arms around your neck since you were taller than her. "I love you." she whispered, her hot breath hitting your top lip before she leaned forward a bit to whisper a small "Kiss Me". You stood there for a second but finally grasped her hips and slowly placed your lips against hers. The feeling sent shocks through your body and made butterflies erupt in your stomach. She smiled into the kiss, pulling away and letting the rain pour down on you both. "I love you too, Manibear." you spoke against her skin, kissing it lightly and then running inside to get warm and out of the soaking wet clothes that clung to your body.

A/N; This one shot is sooooo long. I dont know how I came up with all of that but I did. Okay so the next one shot is gonna be super cute and super Camren, so prepare yourselves. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add this story to your library so you know when I update. also follow me on social media bc I post bomb ass pictures of 5H and Stuff. 😎
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Twitter- kordeiislay 💋

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