I missed you

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I sat on the couch of mine and Ally's apartment reading a book while the tv played Twilight for the 10th time this weekend. I was currently engrossed in my copy of The Hunger Games so I didn't bother to look up when the door opened and then closed again a few seconds later. I had assumed it was my mom coming to visit considering Ally and the rest of the girls were on tour with Austin.

"Wow. you must not have missed me as much as I thought you did." I froze, my hand mid air about to turn to the next page in my novel. I lifted my head, and for sure I was met with those beautiful eyes I had come to love. "A-Al. You're here? What? How?" I couldn't help but jump into her arms and let my tears soak into her shirt. "Austin got hurt during his set and he can't perform for a while so we got a break. Isn't that great?! I mean not about Austin being hurt but now I get to spend more time with you!!"

she was beaming and I admired the smile that I missed. I ran my thumb over her bottom lip lightly before enclosing it between mine. She let out a satisfactory breath, tightening her hold on my waist before we dropped back onto the sofa. "I missed you Ally." I broke off the kiss and began kissing her neck, leading us to where we both wanted this to go.

I drove for about two hours just to get to the arena the girls and Camila were playing at. I was excited to see all of them, but of course I had missed Camila the most. She hadn't known I was coming and pretending to be sad on Skype about not seeing her for another month was hard. I stopped at the back entrance and texted Lauren to come outside and get me. A tap on the window scared me, but I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and ran inside behind Lauren.

"Stay here and when the set is over, I'll send Camila your way." Lauren instructed me to stay in their dressing room for a whole 45 minutes and I had to entertain myself so I played dots until my phone pinged and notified me that Canila was on her way along with Lauren. "Laur. I just miss Y/N, okay? I just want to sleep and dream about her because that's the closest I'll be to her for the next month." Camila had seemed pretty upset on Skype, but this was a little more depressing to hear out loud. "Just go in and see what I got you. You'll thank me later."

Camila groaned and I wanted to just jump up and pull her in here so I could kiss her. I heard the doorknob jiggle a bit, so I acted casually while sitting on the couch. "Hey Y/N." Camila said obviously not realizing I was here. Her eyes widened with shock before she bursted into tears and ran over to me. "You're... You're here, babe. You came. I missed you." She sobbed into my chest not breaking our contact and leaning up to kiss me. She had missed me. and I had missed her just as much if not, more.

We kissed for what felt like hours and decided to go back to the bus to cuddle. I had to leave the next morning but I wasn't gonna ruin her night so we had spent the rest of the night cuddling, watching movies, and sleeping peacefully next to each other. where we belonged.

It had been three months since Dinah left to go on tour. I was proud of my girlfriend, but I was wishing she's come home. We had bought this apartment right before she left and I had been living here alone for the whole time we had it. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote trying to find something entertaining on the tv. I flipped through the channels at least 5 times before tossing the remote to the end of the couch and cuddling into my blanket and pillow I had brought from mine and Dinah's room.

I refused to sleep upstairs by myself without Dinah. I felt someone pushing down on my lower abdomen and whispering my name repeatedly. I slapped the hand away before cracking my eye open slowly to see who woke me up from my nap. I opened my other eye when I saw it was Dinah standing there; a bag in one hand and her SnapBack that she had just retrieved from the top of her head in the other. "OH MY GOD! BABY YOU'RE HERE!"

she just nodded and decided it was best to hold her arms out to catch me. I jumped into her arms , latching my arms around her neck and pressing my lips into hers. She spun me around and I giggled for the first time in the last three months. "I'm here beautiful. We got a break because Brad, James, Tristan, and Austin all got pneumonia so they were out in vocal rest for 2 weeks. So what shall we do?"

I smirked and replied with "I missed you and you're warm body so let's cuddle and watch The Vampire Diaries, yeah?" she nodded and ran up to the DVD player to set up everything while I sat patiently waiting for her to come over and sit down so I could snuggle into her.

I couldn't sleep. I had tried to for the past few months but it was hard. I missed Normani and she wouldn't be back until late tonight. I had planned on waiting for her in the airport so I did things to waste time. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, washed my car, took a shower, and ate dinner.

It was 9:30 pm and her flight was set to land at 11:00 pm. I grabbed the keys to my car and my purse to head off. I had received a text from Normani when I arrived at the airport indicating that she was close to arriving. I sat patiently in my chair as my leg bounced up and down. I saw people rushing through to meet their loved ones, knowing that they were on Normani's flight.

A few minutes later, she walked out carrying her purse and dragging her carry on right behind. She spotted me and her pace picked up until she was in my arms, crying and clutching on to me for dear life. "I missed you, Mani." she pulled her head from its position on my shoulder and kissed my lips slowly. I had missed the sweet taste of strawberry. I was happy to have her back in my arms.

I was at the Jauregui residence again like I had been for the past two months. I decided to stay with them considering I was lonely without Lauren and she was gone on tour. Taylor and I were currently playing cards but I was distracted. I just wanted Lauren back, but she sadly had another week left on tour. I had to make do until then.
Today Lauren's plane was arriving. The Jauregui's along with myself were on our way to the airport. When we arrived there, I saw Sinu, Alejandro, and Sofi. I grabbed a magazine and decided to flip mindlessly through it. I sat there for hours before I was pulled out of my thoughts by Taylor and Sofi. "Y/N! Cmon Lauren and Camila are here!!" Sofi was clapping and Taylor was near tears. I stood up abruptly and spotted my beauty from across the terminal. She was almost running but I decided to meet her halfway. I sped up a bit to meet her in the middle and when she came close enough she dropped her suitcase and wrapped her arms and legs around me. Lauren rarely cried, but I felt the tears seeping through my shirt. I rubbed circles on her back with my hand and she clung to me for dear life. I finally sat her down so I could connect our lips for the first time in a while. Her tears mixed into the kiss but I didn't care. I was happy to have her back. "Hey! Give your dad some love." Mike said with tears in his eyes. she wrapped her small arms around him sighing in contentment. "I missed you dad." she cried again and I swear my heart melted. Lauren was back for the next few months and I was determined to make them perfect.

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