Camren: By Your Side

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A/N; This one shot is based off a song that I'm totally in love with right now. Its called By Your Side and it's so amazing! Enjoy this one shot. (:

Her pale skin and piercing green eyes were enough to send Camila into to overdrive. The way her tongue darted out to wet her lips before it quickly disappeared into her mouth again made Camila bite her lip while she watched the raven haired girl. She was in love with Lauren, no doubt about it, but only Dinah, AKA The Captain of the 'Camren' ship, knew about these untold feelings. Both girls had confided in Dinah, expressing their undenying love for one another but also expressing why they could not tell each other. Lauren's reasoning was "It'll ruin our careers, make the paparazzi speculate on my sexuality, and my parents would not be happy." That seemed reasonable at the time, but as months progressed on, Lauren and Dinah both knew the real reason. Lauren was scared and knew she'd be treated differently by friends and family if she ever thought of bringing Camila home instead of some boy the approved of; Like Luis. He was an easy get away for Lauren. He was cute enough, had qualities just like Camila, but his lips didn't even compare to what Camila's probably felt like. The thought made her heart beat increase, and made her palms sweat. She longed to kiss Camila and have the satisfaction of knowing she was her first kiss. Of course though, Austin Mahomo had tried time and time again to get Camila to kiss him. He was persistent; stopping by the tour bus every morning, wearing nothing but basketball shorts and a snapback, and even sent flowers to try and get Camila to go on a date with him. She would take the flowers and put them in a vase, throwing the stupid little card that he had written on away but not before she read it. "Maybe you should just go a date with the poor boy." Normani groaned. She had honestly gotten tired of answering the door everyday to get flowers and sometimes him. "I don't like the guy. He's too much of a cocky asshole to date. All he wants is a fucking kiss but I'm not kissing him. I'd rather die without kissing anyone than kiss him." Camila exhaled, getting frustrated with the girls pestering her once again about dating him. "I don't know CheeChee. He seems cool and you might fall in LOVE with him." Dinah smirked and sent a wink her way. Camila's eyes widened but she shook her head quickly. "Uh-I. I.. No, Dinah. He's not my type and you know that." Camila glared at Dinah, but no one else caught on to the eye battle besides Lauren who was observing them both from the couch in the front lounge. "Don't date him, Camz. He's no good for you. You'll get someone soon." She smiled, hoping Camila would catch on her drift but she failed. Lauren ultimately had no right to say anything about who Camila dated considering Camila had warned her about Luis, yet she continued to see him. "Maybe I will go on a date with him. I mean, it's just a date and we're not gonna get married so why not?" Camila shrugged and continued with making her sandwich. Lauren puffed out a breath of air, pissed off at Camila but she let it go and made plans to win her girl.
She had ended things with Luis, saying 'they were better off being friends and that she couldn't tie Luis down while she was on tour' He believed the little white lies before he hung up, and Lauren breathed a sigh of relief. She searched for an hour before finding the perfect idea to win Camila over, but she had to hurry because the date would start soon between the fuckboy and the girl of her dreams. She grabbed her phone, and made her way into the front lounge to plug it up to the sound system in the front. She set up the table with plates of spaghetti, garlic bread and sprite for them both. She lit two white candles and stuck them betweem the two plates before dimming the lights. Camila was in the shower so she still had 20 minutes to get ready. She rushed to the back lounge and found her black dress that matched her 4 inch heels. She stripped down quickly and slid into the dress with ease. She put on her heels and went to her bunk to add some make up to make her eyes pop. Red lipstick and a miniscule amount of concealer was enough for her so she made her way to the front to set up the playlist for dinner. The water in the shower stopped, so she waited until the bathroom door opened and Camila came out dressed. She wore a skin tight white dress with a lace slit that ran up her right leg and stopped mid thigh. Lauren's breath hitched but she clicked play on the first song and the soothing voice soon ran through the speakers.

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