Were not Together

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"Hey Y/N. Can you come here for second?" I heard ally's soft voice say from the front of the tour bus. I was currently on tour with The girls and Ally. The girl that I've liked since 9th grade. I walked briskly to the front of the bus only to be met with sad eyes that looked glossy from where I was standing. "Yeah Ally?" I questioned, stepping closer to her and furrowing my eyebrows. She looked upset, depressed even. I reached for her hand but she enclosed my waist with her arms instead.

She showed the picture of me and Camila hugging on her Twitter before questioning me. "Y-you. You like Camila don't you?" she questioned, getting choked up by a sob that was louder than she anticipated. "Huh? Ally, babe. I don't like Camila. Her and Lauren are dating and I know my boundaries. I like someone else anyways." she looked up, her lip quivering, and her eyes flicking from my eyes to my lips. I slowly leant down to capture her bottom lip between mine but I was met with a hand on my chest.

"Y/N. We.. We can't kiss. We're not together and you like someone else. Don't pity me. I should've just kept my feelings to myself. You don't have to think just because we're friends and I like you more than a friend that you have to like me back. It's fine and I understand because it was just hopeless ya'know? Hoping someone that you're in love with loves you back just as much, if not more. I'm sorry." I stared at her in awe. She LOVES me. Loves, not likes. I cupped her face and wiped away the tears that kept trailing down her cheeks before pressing my lips to hers; softly humming when she reciprocated the action.

"I feel the same. I've loved you since 9th grade, Allyson. It just took you a couple of years to fall In love with me. I'm quite offended to be honest. I'm awesome." I stated jokingly, eliciting a giggle from her. She was perfect. She was beautiful. She was mine.

Here I was sitting on the sofa in the front lounge of the bus, cuddling with Dinah while watching The Vampire Diaries. "Noooo! He can't die! Y/N did you see that? He almost freaking died!" Dinah exclaimed loudly causing me to giggle into her chest. "Yeah I saw babe."

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over my arms when Camila opened the door and let the cool fall air into the bus. "Hmm. yeah cuddle with my girl." Camila muttered, disapprovingly shaking her head and walking towards the refrigerator to grab a water bottle. "We're not together, Mila." I said in a small tone before bringing my attention back to the flat screen mantle on the wall of the bus.

"Yeah. We would be if you'd weren't so afraid of commitment. You barely trust me and I just don't get it." She trailed off at the end becoming upset and walking away to her bunk before letting her cries be heard by everyone around her. I peeled myself away from Dinah and stumbled to Camila's bunk.

I grabbed the curtain, pulling it back slowly; slipping into her bunk quietly, I wrapped my arm around her waist while she sobbed into the pillow. "Why Y/N? I just don't get what I did to get you not trust me. You trust everyone but me. I want you. All of you. Why can't you see that? I just want it to be Me and You against the world. My heart beats for you, Y/N. It has since we met in that small café across the street from your apartment. I love you, but it hurts to know you don't trust me with your heart." she clutched onto my shirt with her hand, tears seeping through my shirt and hitting my skin, but I didn't mind.

She had just poured her heart out to me, but I had no words. I felt like an asshole. A complete asshole. I couldn't form words, so instead, I turned her to face me before smashing my lips against hers. Her tears mixed with mine but it was my heaven. It was pure ecstasy . I had my girl and she had my heart.

I walked down the hall of the arena while holding Ally's hand and singing loudly to their songs. Ally had told me to be quiet numerous times but I just got louder. "Y/N! Ssshhhh! We're gonna get in trouble and then Big Rob won't be happy."

she giggled slightly and I finally shut up. We began running up and down the halls, but got stopped when we saw Normani at the end of the hall, her eyes watery staring down at our hands. "Normani. Wait!" I ran after her but she ran into the janitors closet and leaned against it. "Normani cmon. it's just Ally. She likes Troy and I like you. Don't be jealous." I sighed when all I got in return was sobs.

"I'm not j-jealous. We're not together, Y/N." I felt my heart sink when she said that, but it wasn't true. She was jealous because otherwise she wouldn't be crying. "Come out Mani. Please, babe." I was relieved when she came out but she immediately tried to run. I grabbed her wrist and protectively wrapped my fingers around it.

I pulled her into my body before kissing her lips lightly. My thumb stroked her cheek lightly, ridding it of tears. She released my lips a few seconds later before shyly smiling at me, and intertwining our hands while we walked back to the dressing room.

I was at my house hanging out with my cousin, Jade. I had known she was coming over and later she was gonna meet Dinah. The girl that I was in love with. We had recently come back from the Neon Lights Tour, but I tagged along because Dinah had literally begged me to go. We had just gotten settled back into our normal lives but Dinah insisted on seeing me almost everyday of the break, after seeing her family of course.

To say I missed Dinah was an understatement. It had been 2 days and I just wanted to hug her and smell her sweet, intoxicating scent. Jade had arrived about an hour before Dinah did. When Dinah arrived, we ordered pizza and settled down in the living room to watch movies.

Our movie was interrupted by the doorbell, but of course I was the one that had to get the pizza. I opened the door to be met with a sleazy looking boy. "Hey, here's your pizza. Also, my number is inside if ya wanna give me a call." he winked and I wanted to throw up. Dinah must've heard him, because within seconds she was behind me with her arms around my waist.

"Is he bothering you, babe?" I gazed up at Dinah and whispered "what are you doing? we're not together." She quickly kissed my lips before taking the pizza from the boy, slamming the door shut in his face. "Dinah you can't do that!" I scolded giggling at her actions. She shrugged before pulling me into her body and pressing a kiss to my lips.

We kissed for at least 15 seconds and when she let go, she winked in my direction and walked into the living room leaving me slightly confused and turned on.

The girls of Fifth Harmony had just finished their last song of the night. We were currently on tour with Austin Mahone, The Vamps, and Shawn Mendes but I didn't feel comfortable with Brad hanging around Lauren. He was too cocky and flirted way too often with her for my liking. I often found myself getting pissed off because he was around constantly trying to work his British magic on my dream girl.

I was taken away from fuming when I smelt the sweet scent of mint and fruit behind me. "Hey beautiful. what's up?" Lauren always called me beautiful. It made my heart beat out of my chest and my stomach do flips. "Hey Laur. You guys did amazing! You want to go back to the bus, shower, then watch a movie in your bunk?" She sighed and I knew that meant no. I frowned slightly before she spoke up. "Y/N, I'd love to, but Brad and I are going ice skating and Camila wanted to tag along with Austin. I'm sorry."

I wanted to cry. Of course she'd pick him over me. She always did. We're not together, anyways.. I released myself out of her hold and ran to the bus. When I walked on the bus Dinah stopped me asking questions like 'dawg what's up?' and 'do I have to give Lauren a poly beat down?' I just shook my head before slipping into my bunk trying to take my mind off of her. "Where's Y/N?" I heard Lauren's voice ask and Dinah just replied with 'in there' obviously pointing at my bunk. I flinched slightly when I felt her cold hand come in contact with my exposed hip.

"Y/N. Please talk to me. Are you upset about me and Brad? I swear there's nothing going on. I just don't want Camila to be alone with Austin and Brad. Speak to me, please." I turned myself around, latching my arms around her neck and tangling our legs together. "You always choose him. I.. I love you, Lauren. Why can't it be me? Why can't you fucking choose me for once? I'm tired of being your second choice. it's not fair, Lauren. I'm willing to give you my heart on a silver platter. please, for once, choose me instead of him."

she shook her head, tears streaming down her face. I sighed knowing it was over. She didn't feel the same and there was no point in trying anymore. "I love you too, Y/N. I only chose him because I tried to get over you. It's just impossible. From now on, I choose you babe." she grabbed my face and lightly pressed her lips to mine while I rubbed circles on her hip with my thumb.

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