Ally/You: Birth

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A/N; this is my idea so enjoy! ☺️

"Y/N, I swear if you don't get here ASAP, your gonna miss our little girls birth!" Ally yelled into the receiver, making you cringe at how loud she was speaking. "I know babe, but I'll be there soon. Just keep her inside of you as long as possible, alright? I love you Ally. I promise to be there." you heard her sigh into the phone, relieved that you were making your way to the hospital quickly to ensure you got there for the birth of your baby girl. "Hurry, Y/N. please." she pleaded, her voice sounded hoarse, making your eyes water and demand the driver to hurry the hell up. "I'll see you soon, baby." you hung up and tossed the phone into your purse as you watched the scenery go by in the window. You couldn't make out too many details, considering the driver was probably breaking the speed limit trying to make his way to the hospital quickly. The cab came to a stop, you climbing out and rushing through the entrance to get to Ally's room. You ran to the front desk, where a receptionist sat, filling out paperwork. She greeted you with a smile but her face fell when she noticed how flustered you looked. "Are you okay?" she asked hurriedly, so you nodded quickly and asked her for Ally's room number. "Mrs. Y/L/N is in delivery room 1432, but you can't go in unless you're family." "I'm her wife." you stated simply and took the elevator to the floor Ally was on. The sound of you rushing through the door startled Ally but made her tear up when ahe saw you. "You made it." she whispered, her tears falling onto her hospital gown. You walked over to her and wiped away her tears, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Of course babe. I wouldn't miss this day for the world." she gently grasped your hand, but her grip got tighter when pain rippled through her body. She let out a loud noise, followed by more tears before dropping back onto the bed. "The doctor said I'm only 2 centimeters dilated, so we're gonna be here a while." you looked at her confused, wondering why she wanted you to rush to get here. "Why did you have me rush here then, babe?" you whined, making her giggle. "Well I wanted make sure you were here. I didn't mean to scare you." she pouted but you kissed her and decided to call the girls and let them know that Ally wasn't going in to labor tonight. After calling them you laid down on the couch and watched to make sure Ally was comfortable while she slept. You stayed awake for an hour after her but soon drifted off to sleep.
The sun made its way through the blinds, hitting your eyes and making you groan. You opened one eye, and checked on Ally. Her body was still covered and her chest rose and fell at a comfortable pace, so you decided to call the nurse and ask for breakfast. She made her way back into the room 15 minutes later with a tray of oatmeal, pancakes, eggs, and toast. Two cups of orange juice sat to the side, cool enough to make condensation formed on the glass that held the substance. You watched Ally for a few minutes and decided to wake her up before the breakfast got cold. "Babe." you whispered, using your thumb to stroke her cheek while she hummed lightly at the gesture. You smiled at her and began to kiss her cheek lightly, a small but cute giggle escaping her lips when you didn't stop. "Y/N. I'm trying to sleep. Cuddle with me and let's sleep." she pulled on your arm to get down onto the bed, but you decided against it; considering Ally needed to eat and you did as well. "But there's breakfast. There's pancakes, and toast. Also, your favorite kind of oatmeal." her eye popped open quickly, and she swiftly (as swift as you can when you're 9 months pregnant) turned onto her side to gape at you. "You got me cinnamon apple oatmeal?" You smiled and shook your head yes and pulled the tray towards her. You helped her sit up, putting a pillow behind her to comfort her lower back. She smiled at you while you served the food, cutting up her pancakes and dispensing the syrup ontop of them. She sat and ate, but gave you little kisses and bites of her food in between. When she finished, you called a nurse in to take away the dirty dishes and trash while Ally cuddled into your side. She smiled up at you and then began to drift off when your fingers started running through her hair. You kissed her forehead and decided to rest your eyes for a while.
The beeping and whispering that came from the otherwise silent room woke you up. There sat the four bandmates that you had grown fond of over the past two years. They sat together on the sofa, Camila and Normani holding hands while Lauren snuggled into Dinah's side. Their soft voices filled the room, but they soon cut the talk when they noticed you had woken up. Camila smiled at you widely, and released Normani's hand to walk over to you. "Hey, Y/N!" she greeted excitedly, her hands fidgeting with the loose strings that hung off of her sweater. "Hey, Mila. Um.. how long have you guys been here?" you questioned, not trying to sound rude because you honestly enjoyed their company. "We've been her for like 45 minutes maybe? Right Laur?" Dinah asked turning to her girlfriend, who hummed slightly in agreement. You smiled and nodded then sat back to check on Ally when you heard her groan in her sleep. Her hand immediately went to her enlarged stomach, rubbing soothingly on it while she continued to groan. "Ally, baby. Are you alright? Do you need a doctor?" she shook her head yes, and Normani immediately shot up to get the doctor and nurse so they could check how far Ally had dialated. You got out of the bed and went around to Ally's side so you could see her face. Tears had already began making their way down her face but her eyes remained closed. You wiped under her eyes and tried to get her to open her eyes. When her eyelids finally fluttered open, her brown orbs met yours. She kept crying but grasped your hand while you wiped away more tears that fell. The doctor came in seconds later and checked Ally's cervix. "Well Mrs. Hernandez, I believe you're gonna have a baby girl soon." The doctor spoke, his voice showing evident signs of exciment for the both of you. The girls cheered but Ally still groaned in pain. "Can I get an epidural like ASAP? I'm in too much pain right now." Ally asked, her voice just above a whisper while she clenched your hand tightly. He nodded and made his way to go get it while the midwife made her way into the room. "Okay, the doctor should be in here in a few minutes and then we'll have to ask everyone to leave to room except Y/N." The girls all nodded their heads, but quickly wished Ally luck with the birth. She smiled at them genuinely and then turned to lay on her back. You say her eyes squeeze together firmly before her grasp on your hand became tighter. She held tightly for 30 seconds or so then released it with a sigh. "You're doing great Al. This will all be over soon and then we'll have a beautiful little baby." You kissed her forehead and soon the doctor came in with the epidural and two nurses who were there to help once the baby arrived. "I'm gonna need you to sit up straight Mrs. Hernandez. Stay still, and then you'll feel your lower half get numb 5 to 10 minutes later. Ready?" She nodded and sat still for the period of time it took to inject the needle. She laid down once again, your hand automatically being the first thing she reached for. "I'm gonna check how far you've dialated now." He checked her cervix again, smiling at the two of you happily. "Looks like we're gonna have some new mommies soon." Your eyes went wide while Ally giggled and kissed your hand. You turned to look at her, her lips curled into a dopey smile. She giggled again, her eyes staring into yours while she played mindlessly with your fingers. The doctor grabbed a pair of gloves and a mask, but not before giving you a mask to throw onto your face just incase the smell of blood made you naceous. He grabbed the heels of Ally's feet and propped them up on the metal bars that gave him room to move around when delivering your child. "Okay. I'm gonna have you push as hard as you can on 3, Okay? 1.. 2.. 3." Ally began pushing, her grip on your and tightening and her face turning red. "Okay, Mrs. Rest for a second and then begin pushing when you feel ready." She rested for about 20 seconds but began pushing again and didn't stop until small cries we're heard from your little girl. The doctor passed the baby onto the midwife, letting her clean the newborn off before he checked over Ally again. "Keep pushing. We've got one more to go." Your heart stopped at those words. TWO babies?! You shook your head violently and gave the doctor a questioning look. "We are only having one baby. There must be a mistake." He shook his head once, then signaled for Ally to keep pushing. She obliged, the small cries coming from your other newborn; who was a complete surprise. "Two girls. Congratulations." He let the nurses clean them off before letting you hold both of them in your arms. Ally smiled up at you, seemingly unfazed at the fact that she had an extra baby born today. Although that did explain as to why she had grown so big. The doctor called you name, explaining the details of how to help Ally breast feed. You took in the details, nodding to show the doctor you understood what he said. He smiled at both of you and exited, along with the two nurses and the midwife. "Two babies." Ally stated firstly, smiling while you held the two newborns in your arms. "It's crazy huh. I love you." You kissed her lips and she sat up slowly so she could hold one of her babies for the first time. "I think we should name them Kaelyn Grace and Natalie Rose." she smiled at you, and nodded while she played with Kaelyn's fingers. "Go get the girls babe. I'll watch them." you carefully passed Natalie over to Ally and kissed her lips firmly. You jogged out of the room and went to grab the girls so they could see the babies. "Y/n!" Camila squealed, excited to see you. You smiled and made your way over to them so they could know what was going on. "So, we're allowed to have visitors. Let's go." You decided not to tell them you had twins, wanting to see their shock when they saw two babies instead of one. The girls followed closely behind, and stepped into the room quietly just incase anyone was asleep. Their eyes went big and soon the room filled with giggles and squeals of joy. "What the heck?!" Mani squealed, obviously stunned by the fact that two babies we're sat comfortably in Ally's arms. She grabbed Katelyn from Ally and rocked her while Camila came up beside her and rested her arm around her waist. Lauren and Dinah made their ways over to Natalie, Dinah grabbing her small form and holding her in her arms. You smiled at the girls and whispered a small "I love you" into Ally's ear. She grinned widely at you before pulling you down to cuddle with her while she slept once again.

OOOOO. I promise to update last night but I felt like ass so . Anyways here you guys go! ☺️☺️

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