Normani/You: I could've saved you

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Normani POV

Here I was . Sitting in my car in front of her house where she died a few nights ago. The flowers that I had just bought to take the funeral sat in the passenger seat, where she once sat.

I let tears roll down my cheeks and placed my forehead against the steering wheel. Y/N had overdosed on pills tuesday night, right after I left. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the news. Her mom had phoned me, sobbing and repeating "I'm sorry." These past three days had been hell for her family and me. The girls tried to get me to speak or eat, but I just sat there in my bedroom staring at a wall.

I blamed myself for not seeing the signs when they were so clear. She had scars and newer cuts all along her right arm, and the texts in her phone consisted mainly of death threats from girls at our school. I wanted nothing more than to save her. I could have if I had just stayed a little longer instead of going straight home after our date. The last words she said to me were "I love you, Normani. Never forget that. Goodbye baby." I thought nothing of it until I let the words sink in. It was all too late by then.

I picked up my head from the steering wheel when I heard the passenger side door open. I had offered to drive her mother and sister to the funeral, seeing as they were in no condition to be behind the wheel. Her mom smiled weakly at me and picked up the flowers so she could sit in the seat. She placed the flowers upon her lap after putting her seatbelt on. "Thank you for this Normani. I know how much Y/N meant to you."

"She still means the world to me and I vow to never let your daughter go." she smiled again, but it seemed more forced. She reached into her purse and pulled out tissues to wipe at her eyes with. Her makeup was still okay, but she pulled her mascara to touch it up a bit before I pulled off and began making my way to the funeral home.

The ride was silent besides Y/N's sister asking if I could turn the radio up a bit. Lay Me Down by Sam Smith came through the speakers, and I wanted to sing along, but my voice failed. Tears welled up in my eyes as we pulled into the parking lot. This wasn't a dream and it wasn't unreal. I was going to have to watch my world get put 6 feet under.

I got out of the car and went straight inside, ignoring the girls who were calling my name. I had no interest in talking to anyone right now. I sat in the very first row with Y/N's mom and sister, who were holding hands and silently crying. I held my composure until I had to go up and speak about her.

"Y/N was a wonderful, amazing, and beautiful girl. She was the first girl who could make me laugh without even trying. She was so effortlessly perfect in my eyes, and she made my heart skip a beat. I had been with Y/N for roughly a year and 3 months when she died. I had planned on proposing to her on her 19th birthday. I had planned a family with her and future full of memories and laughs. But that can't happen now. I will dearly miss her, because I love her. I'm in love with her, and I vow to never let her leave my mind. She's my world, and I'll be sure to tell everyone know how wonderful she is. Y/N would want us to smile and be happy and. forget her like she was nothing at all, but I refuse to let someone so great slip from my mind. I love you Y/N, and I know I could've saved you."

My eyes were red and full of tears when I came from the stand. I sat down beside Y/N's mom and sobbed int her chest. My heart beat was speeding up rapidly, and my chest felt tight as I cried. I didn't dare to look up until Y/N's mom tapped me lightly on the shoulder to tell me when were leaving to go to the cementary to bury Y/N. I nodded lighty and wiped my eyes before getting up and heading out to my car.

I let both of them get situated into their seats, before I pulled out and followed the cars that were in front of me. We made it to cementary rather quickly and all went to where she was being buried. I stood closer to the front so I could lay my flowers atop her coffin before they took her away forever. The funeral directors said their final words and goodbyes, dropping her coffin into the hole in the ground easily and beginning to cover it in dirt.

I cried. Watching my life crumble away before my eyes knowing I could've saved her. I sat in front of her grave for what felt like hours, and realized It was getting dark. Everyone had left, and Y/n's mom and sister had gotten a ride back home with a family friend so I could be alone.

I ran my fingers along to ingraving that was upon her headstone. "Hey, beautiful. I miss you. I just really wish I could've held you in my arms one last time. You said goodbye and I thought nothing of it. I'm sorry baby. I love you but I have to go now. I'll see you soon, babe." I removed myself from the ground and dusted my skirt off as I walked towards my car.

I began driving home, but I had other plans. I sped my car up, and turned the wheel to the right quickly before striking a tree hard. I blacked out, and began to see a white light before scenes of my life flashed rapidly through ny head. The last thought I had before I died was I could've saved her...

So that was sad .. I cried while writing it.. Im just super depressed about some stuff so this imagine came to mind. Dont forget to comment, vote and read my other imagines. also check out my ally/you story. I love you all. -Jen 😌❤️

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