My dearest y/n 31

827 17 44

Well here it is the ending of the book. We made it guys. I'm going to miss you all so much. I dont think you can comprehend how much each and everyone of you mean to me. I was in a rough spot in my life for most of this book. When we hit just 500 reads it was the first time I truly felt happy in a while, pure euphoria and I can never thank you enough for that. And now we are at 15.7k that's fucking insane. You guys stuck with me though it all. Even when my mom found this book. Lmao still remember that one.

Wattpad finally gave me something to smile at weather it was reading another book and the comments, seeing people read and care about my work, seeing my reads go up, or reading every single god damn comment on my book. I love you all, I truly do.

I'm afraid that after I finish this I wont have a means to live for but hopefully I will. Hopefully I will get my phone during the summer and be able to write my sequel.

If you made it this far then god damn!

Recap y/n shifted back to her original reality and prepared to shift back to her dr.

Little fyi some people count to 100 to shift.

Okay without further ado I present to you the last chapter....

My dearest y/n

Come on

My eyes open to the familiar wooden ceiling and fresh castle smell. A smile of pure happiness and pride brightens my face. All the miserly of my original reality withers away. I'm home once again, another opportunity to be with my love.

Pure euphoria, better than any drug clouds my brain. I can't wait to wrap my arms around his broad pale freckled shoulder and kiss his rosey lips. To be in a moment totally and completely consumed by our love. And so with that craving, I jump out of bed to suprise my soulmate.

Still in my pajamas, I slowly open my dark wooden door and make my way to the common room. I don't even bother checking the alarm clock, but since no one seems to be around. I assume everyone is sleeping.

With a big smile on my face and hopeful eyes full of warmth, I decided to head to Hogsmeade so I dont show up empty-handed to wake him up. Mabey, we could sneak to the tower or the fountain for breakfast before the castle wakes up.

A loud ear screeching scream of a young girl causing my head to shoot to the direction of the cry. I run out of the common room to see what happened or what could cause such a sound. Opening up the door, I look left and right to decide what way to go before I see a kid turn across the intercession at the end of one of the halls.

"Hey, what was that sound?" He turns to me, blood on his cheek, fear in his eyes, the type of look soldiers get after returning from war with nightmares clogging their brain, and keeps running. I take a couple more steps before sucking in my breath and jumping in panic. My hands go to my face shaking. What looks like a Ravenclaw 2nd year is laying on the side of the hallway pale and motionless.

Her eyes are sealed over and blood decorates her uniform. Her hair is cascaded over her face. I gulp and bend over, a tear rolls down my face. What the hell happened here. I close her eyelids and take her wand. Whatever, whoever did this, it may be handy to have more than one wand against them.

I get on my feet and put her wand in my pocket, taking mine out and pointing it in the air, ready to defend myself. Thoughts of my nails going down Fred's strong back as he looks deeply into my eyes starts to get replaced with the adrenaline of a fight.

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