The questions

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So hello everyone. Hope everyones day is going great. Here's the new part in the story. Hope you all like it. Also its been a week now in the story since Enno was thrown in the small closet behind the water heater.
When I woke up this morning my mom was staring at me. "Come." She said bluntly. I got up quietly and walked towards her. My burns ached from the sudden movement. "Yes ma'am." I said not raising my voice nor making eye contact. "You are going to school today, but only because I'm getting emails upon emails from your stupid school. Remember and follow all of my rules. No exceptions." She said turning and leaving. I waited until I heard footsteps on the upstairs floor. As soon as I heard that I pretty much ran up the stair then up the stairs leading up to my room. I changed into my school uniform and rushed to school. Before I got to school I forged a note in my mothers hand writing saying had appendicitis and that I had surgery to remove my appendix. Then faked my doctors signature on a different note. I rushed to school but slowed down as soon as I saw it come into my sight. I immediately went to the bald principal and gave him my notes. He took them and said the teacher had my work that was ready to be finished. I grabbed my work and caught up on it all. Then I slowly walked to the gym, before I arrived there I heard my team practicing. I carefully slid open the door. Pretending to be in slight pain from the fake surgery. I had made note for the coaches too. I walked in slowly. I knew everyone's eyes were on me. I walked to Coach Ukai and Mr. Takeda. I bowed and apologized for not being at practice for the past week them handed them the fake note. I watched as they read the note. "It's ok Ennoshita, but I think you should apologize to your team not us." Mr. Takeda said. I glanced behind me they were all behind me. I turned and bowed apologizing to them all. "Where have you been?" Tanaka asked angrily. "I had appendicitis." I said quietly. "Oh.. ok" Tanaka nodded. Suga came over after Tanaka left. "Why did you lie?" Suga asked. "I didn't lie about anything." I said pretending to be confused at his question. "You did to lie. I can tell. So tell me at lunch the truth." Suga demanded. "Ok." I responded. I watched the team practice for a bit then went to my classroom. Class started and the day went by. I met Suga at lunch just like he asked.  We went to a secluded spot. "What actually happened?" He asked. He's the only one who knows that my mom is homophobic and manipulative. I broke down crying. I turned and lifted my shirt up he saw the burns on my back and gasped. I let go of my shirt and turned back around. "Your mom.. s- she abuses you.." Suga said. "She found out." I said quietly. "You stay at my house bring your stuff to my house tonight." Suga said. "B-" I started to say but Suga cut me off. "You are going to stay at my house." Suga said. "Ok" I accept silently.

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