Jail time

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Hi I'm back im not fully alive tho my weeks been rough but I feel like trying to write so here you go. -signing off the lovely yet tired author.
"Koshi I can not believe that you got into a fight with a grown woman!" Papa yelled. "And over what now? What was it that you just had you try and beat her up?" Papa asked with his arms crossed. I looked down at my thumbs. My parents had just bailed me out after the fight Tanaka was still there because his sister hadn't come to get him yet. We were sitting in the car it was silent. I was to scared to speak. Papa doesn't yell much. Especially yelling at me is rare, but when he does it never fails to make me feel absolutely horrible. "Oh so since you're not responding I'll take that as the fight over nothing then. Okay so just beat up a woman for no reason? KOSHI! DO YOU KNOW HOW DISAPPOINTED I AM IN YOU NOW?!"
Papa yelled at me. "She was abusing Enno." I said with my voice barely able to be heard. Papa's anger turned into alarm. My dad's eyes widened I could see that he was get angry. I bite my lip to hold in my tears. I was scared and worried. What would they do to help Enno?
I sat at a table in the investigation room. I had just poured out all of my secrets about my mother. The lady in the room with me now was asking some more questions and I was not paying any attention to them. I was to worried about Tanaka was he in a cell? Where was he? After a while the lady realized that I wasn't listening and told me to go on home and sleep because my day had been really rough on me. When I left the room Saeko was waiting outside for me. "Saeko! Where's Tanaka?" I asked worried. "Don't worry he's in the car. Now come on I'm taking you to our house." She said.
-time skip-
Once we arrived at Tanaka's took me straight (well not straight but gay) to his room. We cuddled together on his bed. He gave me a long, sweet, sincere apologize for scaring me with his actions. We were both tired and fell asleep as soon as we rested our eyes.
-Saeko- I walked into Tanaka's room to see if the couple wanted something to eat, but they were sound asleep. I took this chance to take a picture of them. As soon as I did I quickly left the room.

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