nenes experiment

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Boyfriend and pico are stuck in a room by picos friend nene. The only way out is to get the key from that shelf! Nene shouts from the other side of the building giggling. Ugh why do you do this Nene!?! Cos I like watching you two doing stuff together! :Nene makes some weird fangirl noise: fine we have to get out of here. Pico said angrily. Yeah I don't like this place. Boyfriend said looking around. Ok we have to get that key! Pico looks up at the shelf. Let's see here pico and boyfriend spend 40 minutes trying to get the key. Without success mad now boyfriend stomps his feet like a 2 year old. I want out! He screeches pouting. Nene is enjoying this. Hey get on my shoulders like skid and pump! Boyfriend says proudly. Good idea! Pico gets on boyfriends shoulders. Ok we can do this! Nene looks sad no! Im enjoying this to much for it to end this early! She grabs pepper from the counter to her right. She sprinkles it over boyfriends head she didn't want pico to sneeze. Because he would probably hurt them and she doesn't want to go to jail. Boyfriends nose immediately starts burning. H huh? Pico my nose burns. Pico looks down at boyfriend. What's wrong? Is there pollen in here Nene? Nope! Not pollen but I'm sure you can tell what it is boyfriend! Boyfriend sniffs and his nose starts tickling worse. O oh no it's pepper! Why Nene? Because I want this to be more interesting! Boyfriend whimpers and tries not sniff. Pico looks at boyfriend and says. Don't sneeze I Know it's hard but you have to! Ehh ahh n no not gonna sneeze i it doesn't tickle not at all! His eyes are watering and his nose is running. Pico is panicking but has a idea his slips his foot under boyfriends nose. W what are you doing pico? Boyfriend is kinda grossed out. But at the same time it feels really good. I know it's gross but I don't know what else to do to help. Thanks pico. Your welcome. Nene is fangirling and takes a picture. This one is going in the collection for sure! Boyfriend's nose runs on picos shore. Pico cringes but doesn't say anything. Boyfriend feels bad and sniffs big mistake. Gah I uh oh pico your shore has pepper on it I I cant hold it anymore I I need to sneeze! Oh god boyfriend stifle! NGXTTTT AHHHNGXTTTT NGXTTT I I I NGXT can't stop NGXT NGXTTThooo help pico! Pico had no clue how to help but he moved his foot and put the other one there. Hehh t thanks again sorry couldn't help it. It's ok just try to holdback ok? I almost got the key! Pico kept reaching for the key but it's just out of reach. Meanwhile Nene is recording the whole time (she has two
Phones) this is great! Pico can't reach the key but boyfriend gets a sharp tickle in his nose. Ahhh ehhh haaa ESHOOO ACHOOO ISHOOOO CHOOO SHEEE CHEEO ASHOOOO ASHOOOO ESHOOOO ISHOOOO CHOOOOOOO SHOOOO! Boyfriend sneezes and accidentally throws pico up on the shelf. OW! Huh? Hey I got the key! Boyfriend sniffs and says. Good I don't remember sneezeing that loud for a long time! Pico climbs down and uses it on the door. It unlocks and they walk out. Finally I thought we would never get out! Boyfriend fist bumps pico. Where are you Nene? Oops gotta go! She runs away giving the peace sign. OH MY GOD NENE I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL YOU! Pico turns around and says in a seductive voice. But I did enjoy your sneezeing tho ;). Omg pico. Boyfriend blushes and rolls his eyes.

This was originally gonna be shorter but I got inspired lol. Honestly I'm really proud of this. I headcannon that Nene is a fangirl and likes doing these kind of experiments.

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