boyfriend at a cat cafe

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(ignore the YouTube video I couldn't find anything else similar lol)

Bf aways Loved cats but he is allergic. So his parents didn't let him have any obviously. But he just moved out so he's gonna get some. But first he needs to find one he likes. So he decided to go to a cat cafe. His big sis
Works at one called kitty kats kafe. He and his sis meet at the door of the cafe. Hi sis! Hey little bro! Are you sure you want to do this? Your allergic to cats. I know but I love them and aways wanted one or two! Ok whatever you say bro let's go in. They walk in and there is two rooms separated by a glass wall. A room for eating and a room for the cats. Bf eyes light up when he sees the cats. The waitress walks to bf and big sis. How can I help you ma'am and sir? We came to look at the cats and adopt one or two. That's wonderful go to that room and make sure to close the door!
Ok ma'am let's go in and look at the kitty's big sis! Ok wait up bf! They walk in and all the cats turn and look at them they are intrigued by there blue hair. But bfs nose immediately starts tickling the amount of cat dandruff in the air is too much for bf to take there is no way he can holdback. Ahhhh ehhhh haaaa ahchooooo ishooooo HASHOOOOO ESHOOOO ACHOOOO EHCHOOOO SHOOOO CHOOOO ASHOOOO CHOOOO! Bless you little bro you sure
you want cats? "sniff sniff" yeah I'm going AHCHOOOO "sniff" to get a cat or cats and ESHOOOO my stupid nose is not ISHOOOO CHOOOO stop me! "sniff sniff" Bf went over to the cat scratching post and started looking at the cats. Ahhhh NGXT NGXT NGXT NGXT! Bf stifles his sneezes trying not to scare the cats. But the kitty's aren't scared of him they can sense his nice.
Oh look at her! Bf says picking up a Siamese cat her name is meow meow
She's three years old and a little chubby. I love her I AH EH AH NGXT NGXT NGXT NGXT "sniff" Im going to adopt her! Then he sees another cat
a boy ragdoll his gray and white and the Siamese is normal Siamese color. I need ESHOOOO ISHOOO oops bless me haha I need him too! He picks them up and takes them to the get to know room. AHCHOOO HASHOOO SHOOO ESHOOO! He plays with them for one hour and then decides to adopt them both it took one week for the adoption to finish. But when he got them he braged to his family and friends about it. His parents were not amused.

(I'm slowly making a au lol. Idk if I want to call it the sneeze au or the weird au lol.)

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