the sneeze fest!

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(I love this idea.)

Bf was on a walk outside it was spring. So his allergies where acting up so he had been sneezeing All day. Ahhhhchooooo eshooooo! B bless you ahchuuu chuuu! Bless you? Thanks. Nene says rubbing her nose. Hachoooo ishoooo! Chuuu chuuu! Haha this is funny isn't it pump! Y y yeah! Pump says his breath quivering. You ok? Y y y ahhhhhhhhhchuuuu chuuuu chuuuu chuuu! Pump sneezes all over skids face. Ick bless you. S sorry ahchuuu ichuuu hachuuuu! Ahhhhh ah ah ha ah. Tord is inhaling dramatically waving his hand in front of his face. Ah eh ha ahhhhhh chooooo eshoooo ishooooo hachoooo ahshoooo hashoooo! ahhhhhhhhh ehhhhhhh! O chooo eshoooo oh no ruv is chooo gonna blow! H heh chuuuu chuuuu! Ah ah eh ahchuuu ahchuuu s skid I'm scared. M me too! AHHHHHHHCHOOOOOOO ESHOOOOOOOO! The ground shakes and a tree falls over. Ahhhhh ehhhhh CHOOOOO! Steve sneezes and accidentally fires a tank missile at a building. O oops s s shoooo eshooooo sorry! Caption just facepalms. Selever is trying to holdback but the pollen count is so high. Ahhhhh ehhhhh booooop AHHHHCHOOOOO ESHOOOOO HASHOOOO CHOOOO! The ground shakes again but not as much. Ah ah ah ah! Yukichi just tries not to be rude. Ahhhhchuuuu hachuuuu ichuuuuu echuuuu! He sneezes into a tissue. I I haaaaaachoooooo eshooooo hashooooo CHOOOOO SHOOOOO ESHOOOOOO ISHOOOOOO ACHOOOOO CHOOOOOO SHOOOOOO CHOOOOOO! O oh my I need to go home "sniff sniff" ugh bye guys. Ahhhchuuu chuuu CHOOOO shooooo eshoooo hachoooo shooooo! As bf walks home he hears everyone sneezeing in the background expect skid who is just confused.

(Screams in fangirl.)

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